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Friday, January 31, 2014

Like a feather duster

For some reason this reminds me of a feather duster...another from the archives.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


We actually got up above freezing today!  Maybe there is hope.  So far, have not seen any snow.  Maybe there will be none, not that there was supposed to be much anyway.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

An old barn door

From 2011.  I am having so  much fun going back through photographs.  I am just happy I have them to go through or I would have nothing to post.

Can we say colorful?

I was looking for something to post, and ran across this quilt top I made in 2007.  It awaits quilting.  Another made from stash/scraps.

Monday, January 27, 2014


I always like finding these overpasses.  Don't ask me why they appeal to me, because I don't know.  I often wonder why we are the way we are. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

From the Prairie....

Taken almost 3 years ago on January 27, 2011.  It could have been from today almost.   I always wonder what this little closed up building is/was used for.  No openings, no windows...nothing except the door which is closed.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Even weeds are appealing

Another fall shot...even though it is just a weed, it is appealing with that dark blue background.  The background is water.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Winter barn

Another from the archives...taken in January of 2011.   For ages after I quit working at the orchard, every time I seen a tree whether it was an apple tree or not, I thought about how I would prune it if it were at the orchard.  I just realized, that thought seldom crosses my mind any more. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

From October's not so bright blue weather

It was a rainy October day when this was taken, but hey, look at that green grass! 

Frozen in time

From 2011...but we have these same kind of temps today.  It is 8ºF as I type this...not fit for man nor beast. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

From Paris, Illinois

Though this was taken week before last, a few days after the big snow, I thought it goes along with what we have today.  We got an one or two inches of snow last has blowed and drifted till its only a guess of how much we got.  But I do doubt we got more.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

From a road trip down south

This was taken in 2010 when we ran down to New Brunswick, Georgia.  Vidalia onions sure sounds good right now.  In the summer, sometimes we slice our onions and put the slices on the grill when grilling hamburgers.  Also, toast some Garlic/Parmesan Texas toast on the grill....add a tomato when everything is done...nothing better on this earth!


I don't recall if I 'posed' this shot or just happened to think it would make a nice photo.  I love onions, but probably not as much as some people.  Roger's cousin went on a hunting trip in Canada.  I don't know where....he and the guy he was with were dropped off at this remote cabin and the people suppling the food gave them a LOT of onions considering they were only staying a week.  I think it was in the range of 20 or 30 lbs.

Friday, January 17, 2014

A bright sunflower for dreary days....

I found this and just cannot resist posting it...even though I am almost sure I have posted it before.  To me, I get the feeling that the sunflower is getting ready to blow kisses!  Do you get what I see?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Friday's fences

I took this back at the end of September, and either I forget to post it for Friday's Fences or I don't post one at all.  Finally, I ran across it the other night and thought to look for it for tonight's post.  Notice the woman bent over in front of the fence in the foreground....she is a real woman.  Remember you can click to expand the view. 

Linking to Friday's Fences.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Front porch

I wish I could have seen all that was on this front looks like there is a lot to be seen.  I think I could be an American picker sometimes.  This was in Terre Haute, Indiana.  Taken back in October of 2013.  You might want to click on the pic to get a better view of what can be seen here.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Weathered and worn barn

This is a small barn, if barn is what you would call it.  I called it barn for lack of a better word.  It has really went downhill in between the time I first saw it and the time this pic was taken.  One of these days I will look for the first pic I took of it.

Repeating a post

This is a hawk I saw out at the strip pits in Feb or 2009....I contacted All About Birds and she thought it was a Rough Legged Hawk.  I have gained a few more readers since the original post, and wondered if anyone else has seen a hawk such as this, and if you did, where were you when you saw it.

This is a cropped photo, but you can click to expand the view.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Picture show for Inspired Sunday

I just have to show you
some of the shots
leading up to
my InSPIREd Sunday shot
This is State Line Christian Church, just over the Indiana/Illinois border.  The shots are all taken at the strip pits and appear here unaltered in any way except size.  The sky was just simply amazing.  Taken December 28, 2008.

Linking to InSPIREd Sunday.  I hope it is okay that I posed all these shots.

Friday, January 10, 2014


I took this photo back the first of December and am just now getting around to posting it.  The photo has been cropped.  This was out at the strip pits.  It is kind of blurry in spots, but I still like it.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Friday's fences

I thought this gate looked so lonely out at the strip pits yesterday.

I took this one about 3 or 4 weeks ago and had yet to post it so thought I would add it here...

They are my contribution to Friday's Fences.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hungry and cold...

Roger had cabin fever today...and I guess if I am truthful I did, too.  So we headed to Walmart...but I told him to go to the strip pits first.  We just went through part of it...and out by the one farm that has a few head of cattle.  I often wonder do they see me taking pictures of their cattle since I stop every time I pass them.


I took this first one on Sunday....
and this last one was taken on December looks to me as if it is defying gravity.  But that is how it was holding on.  Not just an odd capture by me.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Cold little bird

This is just one of many juncos that visit the feeding area. Only a few actually go to the feeders....most stay on the ground under the feeders so I always throw extra seed on the ground for them.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Scene out my window....

This photo was taken at noon...notice how high the snow is...and that none has really been disturbed.

This one was taken about 3:00...see how much deeper the snow is here and you can tell part of it has been knocked off.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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