I just cannot narrow it down to a couple shots...
I just have to show some of the finer points...
Notice the necklace on the fence?
I am thinking it was actually for a Christmas tree...
Looking on down the fence
This does not do the scene justice at all...
Thanks to Theresa for hosting this meme every week.

i noticed the old boots but hadn't noticed the succulents planted in them until you showed the close up. lots of little touches added to it! always love a good barbed wire roll-up on a post, but they added other surprises. :)
Oh goodness, that star, my daughter in law has two exactly like that, I think they came from Target, or Menards. She has one on each of their garage! I like seeing all these decorations, very pretty shots!
Love the decorations on this rustic fencing. Great shots!
I love these photos. So pretty!
What a great fence find, I love the decorations. The boot with the succulents are cute. Great shots, have a happy day!
Well, now, that was unexpected. :-)
What a fancy fence all dressed up with odds and ends, great find!
Well I love these especially the old boot planter. Nice fences. B
I especially like the shot with the daylilies!
Nothing like decorating a fence. Love the necklace.
Great fence shots. I love the boots hanging off the fence. The unexpected is special.
Have a nice day! cm
double wow on this fence and all its decorations. i love love love the boot planter, super idea and beautiful photo of it to... i like this type fence and for some reason i like the decorations also, which surprises me.
oh i love the boots. what a great idea!! very creative. now if only i had an old pair of boots. i need my boots. ha. ha!! ( :
A fine series on this natural looking segment of fence. I especially like the "look down the fence" which draws all the individual shots together.
What a great fence, full of charm and character. Great photos!
A clever use for the old pair of boots. Thanks for showing the detailed photos.
Neat decorations on this lovely old fence. Great find, Rose.
That's a really neat fence. I liked all the different decorations they added to the fence but especially those boots with the flowers.
Who doesn't love a wood fence with the 3 B's. Boot, Bird houses and barb wire. I do like the stars too.
Just a BTW--as kids we said bobwire and I usually still do.
Such a lovely series of photos. Pretty fence decorations!
Great takes.
Very nice to see this fence again.
The decorations that hang make this fence very special :-)
Great shots. what a lovely fence. I love the day lilly's.
Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend.
Love those shoes.
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