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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Before the snow melted...

What little snow we got the other day is almost gone...
this is the first time we went down the road this barn was on...but probably not the last.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Indiana farm

Another shot from yesterday...after the snow had slowed down....or maybe we had driven out of it. This was farther north than the photos from my last past.

Snow at last!

I thought about trying to alter these photos to make them clearer, but if I did that, it just would not show just how hard it was snowing.
I could not believe this guy was out walking in the snow that came today...we only got 3 inches or so, but when it was snowing, it was snowing hard! He was barely visible as we headed up this hill. We did stop and give him a ride...he was just going about a mile up the way. We didn't ask any questions as to why he was out in such a nasty time....

Friday, December 25, 2009

Wishing you peace and joy in the coming year

I wish it had been just a bit later when I took these...I did try to darken them a bit in photoshop. I am not sure how they will look. We saw this Tuesday and thought that big tree just beautiful.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fly the friendly skies

We saw these swans at the strip pits yesterday, and I got some pics. I ran back through there today and took these.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Short-eared owl from the strip pits

The photo below is just the above photo after being cropped. I urge you to click and enlarge them. Notice the owl's feet...they look huge to me.

Friday, December 18, 2009

A favorite Christmas photo

This is a photo taken several years back on the south end of town. It will always be one of my favorite is one of my slides scanned in.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas: a great source for Ruby Tuesday

I saved these from the other day to have for Ruby Tuesday...they were taken just at dusk. I can plainly see the red covered bridge and the red bow on the wreath on my computer, so I hope you can, too.
I use a laptop and colors sometimes appear very different on it than they do on a regular screen.

Anyway, they are my entries for the Ruby Tuesday meme hosted by MaryT at Work of the Poet. If you want to see more entries or to join the meme, just click on the badge below.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Without a leg to stand on

If you look close, you will see there is not corner post on the right have to wonder how that side is still standing.

Bridgeton House

This was taken just at dusk yesterday evening when we passed through Bridgeton....I posted the Case Cabin on my Pics and Pieces Blog. The lady that owns it, also has this house. It is full of crafts.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mama Squirrel

This is Mama Squirrel....she has been coming to be fed since 2006. She has raised at least 4 sets of babies in the tree that used to stand beside our house.
I have several other postings about her on my Pics & Pieces blog. I plan to use a couple other photos of her on it later also. These were taken yesterday.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Bare sycamore trees overlooking an Amish farm

Being that we have had bitter, cold weather the past couple of days it is kind of hard to imagine nice pleasant days such as the one like the day this picture was taken.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


One can't help but wonder is there anyone around that remembers living here.
If it had been summer when we passed this place, it would barely have been noticeable. The top picture would not have sure been different. I even wonder would I have been able to take that view at all. I waded through briars to get this shot.

I wonder how many blizzards this old home has seen, how many children grew up here, how many families have come and gone. Just so many things I would like to know.

January 1996

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I will be taking a break from blogging for the next few days. I have several things to get done. So I am hoping you and yours have a safe, healthy, and Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Shades of Ruby Tuesday

Just a little something for Ruby Tuesday.
These are not the red color that I usually associate with Ruby Tuesday but I could not resist using them.
Mary is having a Thanksgiving giveaway--all you have to do to be in the running is post a Ruby Tuesday photo, link back to Mary's Work of the Poet blog, make sure you publish your photo first, then go sign in to Mr. Linky. You can read about the giveaway here. To join the fun, click on the badge and sign in with Mr. Linky.

Strip pit on a Sunday

First, start the video...and listen to the song as you look at the pictures. As soon as the Colts won their game I grabbed my camera bag and headed out there.

I got out there and did a couple passes through before the sun started to set....I raced from one spot to another to try to capture some of the beauty.
I hope you enjoy these...they all enlarge when clicked.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Barenaked Ladies

Did I make you look with that title? I ran into a song the other day by the Barenaked Ladies....they are an alternative rock group. When I seen it, I thought what an excellent title for a grouping of sycamores!
I had done shown the best of what I had, so had to wait to take a few more pics.
So here you have a few more of naked sycamore trees.
Now that wasn't too painful, was it?

Friday, November 20, 2009

A favorite photo

This is one of my favorite photos...taken behind the house of the orchard I used to work at. The grandkids had been playing under the tree and had crates every where. If you look close, on the side of the tree away from the camera you can see the rope swing hanging down.

I can still remember how it felt as if I were walking into a world of gold to walk back behind the house. Such a wonderful, wonderful memory.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Still standing

I don't recall the first time I saw this was several years ago. It has always looked just like this. I think I have a picture of it somewhere but I can't think where. I finally got the chance to capture it again the other is situated on a blind corner where there is no room to get off the road. I took the one photo and my camera battery was too low to take any more so was happy when I saw this one was not too bad.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Indiana farm

I could probably post a different barn every day for at least a couple years...I have a love of barns. I spent a big part of my childhood playing in our barn, plus was in several of neighbors for one thing or another.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ruby Tuesday red

It was a drab, dreary day when I took this photo. It was a thing of beauty in an otherwise colorless day. It was one of the few trees with any leaves still attached.

To join Ruby Tuesday, click on the badge below and follow the simple instructions.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Almost done

More and more of the fields in my neck of the woods have been harvested. Sometimes if you are out and the weather is good, you will see the farmers working in the dark of night. They have to hurry and get things done when the opportunity arises. This fall they have really had a lot of rain to contend with.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tennessee Sepia Scene

I enjoy joining Sepia Scenes when I can....I should have time to visit everyone later tonight. If you wish to join or just see more great sepia photos, click on the badge below!
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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