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My Other Blog

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The leaves that hang on

This is a shot of the few leaves still hanging on...I have been meaning to take a picture for a while and just the other day stopped to take one.

Smiley face

This is what I saw through my lens
when I was taking a photo of this barn. It made me smile. Remember when you seen the smiley face every place you looked?

Thursday, January 28, 2010


One can't help but wonder about the purpose of the door above, especially when you see the entire picture.
I have shown this barn before in my other blog, but not in snow. I thought it worthy of posting again.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Window treatment

This is a new window treatment I spotted yesterday...sorry for the reflections in the window. I had not seen this before. Maybe I should have Roger save his turkey wing feathers and try that here! Not! I can just see the fun the cats would have....they would love it.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

From the fall

I don't remember the name of this church...I usually try to take a picture that includes the name, but somehow managed to take half a dozen shots and none include the name.

Friday, January 22, 2010

NOT from today

I don't know about you, but when I was a kid, I would have loved to explore along the banks of this creek.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Indiana barn

Notice the star and wreath on the door! I would have loved to see this during Christmas when it was lit. I also like the tractor sign on the light pole. On the day this was taken, we didn't have this much snow either they got more or it stayed cold longer up there. This was south of Lafayette and east and north of Attica.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Isn't this inviting?

This is a scan of an old B&W photo...with all the cloudy, foggy days, this sure looks inviting. It was taken in Cumberland Gap, Tennessee a few years ago.

Another from Attica, Indiana

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Isn't it magnificent...just something about it that I love. You can see the signpost with no sign...I am assuming it had the sign telling what this was. If someone lives here, I wish they would give me a tour.

More of ???

I have no idea about this part of the church, if indeed it is still a church. This part is intriguing.
and I thought I would show you one of the main windows....
as well as the back entrance. I just love this part of it.
Notice there is mail in the mailbox? I honestly wondered if someone has bought this to turn into a home or a wedding chapel.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The entry to ????

I could not find the name of this church anywhere. I assume it is a church. I will show two or three more pictures of it in the coming days. It is in Attica, Indiana. I just think it is so beautiful.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Not our canoe

I cannot remember for sure where this was....I think it was Sugar Creek. I just know that it was not us.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Powdery Mildew

As we passed this house on the way home yesterday, I yelled whoa, whoa, whoa....back up! I am wanting to start a collection of cat in window pictures....I thought this the perfect opportunity for one.

And you ask why the Powdery Mildew title? Once up on a time, when I worked at the orchard, a cat came there that had the white markings this cat does...the white tipped hair around the neck. My name for her was Nikita, but Mrs. D who adopted her, called her Powdery Mildew. She could have been called Squirrel, though. She had kittens not too long after coming there and guess where she had them? Up a tree down in a hollow part of it. She had to climb about ten feet to get to her kittens.

Oh, baby, baby it's a white world....

Just a little play on Cat Stevens' song Wild World. But isn't it beautiful? Just almost other worldly feeling.

Monday, January 4, 2010

A touch of Ruby Tuesday

Sorry about that bit of mirror in the corner...I should have edited it out, but forgot about it being Ruby Tuesday till just now and wanted to get this posted. It makes me join the Ruby Tuesday meme, go to The Work of the Poet blogspot and sign in.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Picnic, anyone???

This is over at Green Valley, near West Terre Haute, Indiana. It was taken last Sunday after the snow had slowed down.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

First sunset taken by me in 2010

This is my first sunset taken in the new year, and guess what? It is taken with a point and shoot! I am just glad I had it with me. This is in Edgar County, Illinois.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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