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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Are you tired of sunflowers...hope not....

The petals on the one above, reminds me of a girl's hair when it hangs in curls. I just love how it looks.
And believe it or not, when I look at this one, I see a girl dressed in a coat with a bonnet or hood on....standing there all bundled up.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rose after the rain....

Funny how some of the things that grow wild can be so pretty...yet can just take over if you don't watch out. Yet I am sure they provide a very good place for nests and places for rabbits and stuff to hide where they have grown so thick.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Look closely...

You have to look closely or you might miss this little fellow...until I started blogging I did not realize how many different damselflies and dragon flies there are. This one seems to be the one I see most....

Monday, June 27, 2011

Barn in summer...

I have photos of this barn taken on another day but have not taken the time to hunt them out. These were taken two or three days ago, and are not very far from where I live. If the lighting had been a bit better, the top would have been perfect for a it is it is kind of dull. Though I think it is better when enlarged.
It really is a charming barn in my opinion...something about the way the ivy trails up the corner there...

Join me and enter your own barn over at Tricia's Barn Charm Meme...we could always use a few more barns.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Uncommon beauty

These lilies grow everywhere...along roadsides, along ditches, at he edge of streams. Everywhere we go, there they are. Like an army of little orange soldiers standing at attention....or like children waiting to be set free to go play. Trailing after each other down a common path.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

In bee's eyes....

The above is the original, and the one below is a cropped portion.

Friday, June 24, 2011


From the archives...haven't been out much taking photos this spring/summer so resorting to going back through my photos and finding ones that strike me as beuatiful, or that triggers a memory.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Evening time

Any time I run across some of these photos from the strip pits, my heart stops for just a second..I wonder if anyone else looks at this and thinks how beautiful...but when you really look, what is there that is beautiful. So, I wonder is it the memories it triggers that make it so beautiful.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Painted gourd

A painted beauty....the lady that painted this did a superb job in my opinion...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nothing like a little pollen.....

I took this a couple days ago...even the bees are enjoying the sunflowers.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Barn Charm again!

I a request: would you please check to see if you have the embedded comment form on your blog...I have real problems with that because cannot comment without allowing 3rd party cookies and due to some problems I do not like to turn them on. Besides, I have been seeing a lot of people having trouble with them the past few days and it is not even related to the cookie thing.

To change from the embedded form:

Go to your dashboard
Click Settings
Click on Comments

and preferably Click the Pop-up one...

It is so convenient when I have not been able to blog. and there are a lot of posts I have missed. But even if you want the full page one, I can still comment with no problems. I for one would really appreciate this...and know a lot of people feel the same way.
Right at this present time I have no idea where these were taken...I would have to look back at the originals and see the other photos that were taken at the time these were taken to even have any idea.
I think they were drive-bys but not even certain of that...

Anyway, I am linking to Tricia's Barn Charm Meme...hope to see you there.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Don't miss this....

I was scrolling through the archives the other night and this little thumbnail caught my eye...
For just a few minutes it looked like dangling if it were some kind of jewelry. I knew that it wasn't but I had to enlarge the photo to see just exactly what it was...I know I have been complaining about the heat, but all the time I am complaining, I know I would rather endure the heat rather than the bitter cold.

This photo only served to remind me of what I don't miss at all...even though it is beautiful.

Friday, June 17, 2011

At day's end...

This is from a couple years ago, I think. Ran across it the other night and thought how pretty it was. It is from out at the strip pit area.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fun in the mud

This was taken in April...down in a ditch. I don't know how I happened to spot it...we had stopped for me to take a photo of a barn and I guess I was looking back to make sure I wasn't going to fall in the ditch.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

From the festival...

This is one of the gourds painted by a vendor at the Clay City Pottery Festival that happened this past week.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Red barn in spring....

EDITED To Add this little request: would you please check to see if you have the embedded comment on your blog...I have real problems with that and cannot comment without allowing 3rd party cookies and due to some problems I do not like to turn them on. Besides, I have been seeing a lot of people having trouble with them the past few days and it is not even related to the cookie thing.

To do this:

Go to your dashboard
Click Settings
Click on Comments

and preferably Click the Pop-up one...

it is so convenient when I have not been able to blog. and there are a lot of posts I have missed. But even if you want the full page one, I can still comment with no problems. I for one would really appreciate this...and know a lot of people feel the same way.

I took these photos a few weeks ago when things were really beginning to get green...
the days when we were still remembering the cold days of winter. One of these days when we were still thrilled to see all the green coming on....

I plan to link to Tricia's Bluff Area Daily...

Eye catching....

From a couple of years ago...amazing cloud formations. I can sit and watch clouds such as these for as long as they stick around...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Feel the rebirth....

When the temperatures were in the single digits this past winter, and the birds were searching for every seed they could find, they managed to miss a few. Actually more than a few.
We could have had a full crop of them if we had left all that came up. Instead, we left a circle of them under the feeders...just a small circle...maybe 15 or 18 inches across...and it is just full of sunflowers. And they are beginning to bloom. I cannot look at them without getting a smile on my face.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Into the sunset....

These were taken a few hours ago...from the strip pits. Looking into Illinois...
I like that both of these have birds in flight in them. In the top picture, the bird looks like a speck of dirt or something but it is a bird....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Time passing

The top photo was taken February 27th, 2011

And the one above is not quite three months was taken May 8,2011. If it changes this much in less than 3 months time...wonder what it will look like a year from now.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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