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My Other Blog

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Saturday, February 27, 2021


 In about 3 more months, these should be available locally....

Re Wild Ginger..."Wild ginger has some interesting ethnobotanical uses as well. Native Americans and early Euro-American settlers have used wild ginger as a spice. The root is harvested dried and then ground into a powder.  Early settlers also cooked pieces of the root in sugar water for several days to obtain a ginger-flavored, candied root. The left over liquid was then boiled down to syrup that was used on pancakes and other food items. However, you should be aware that scientists have determined that the plants may contain poisonous compounds and consumption of the plant is highly discouraged."  This is from an article of the U.S. Forestry Service.

And while I am thinking or it....about Bloodroot:  One source says : The red juice from the underground stem was used by Native Americans as a dye for baskets, clothing, and war paint, as well as for insect repellent.

But a book I have in my possession says that the root should be combined with oak bark to make the dye.  According to this book, A Guide to Medicinal Plants of the Appalachia that was published by the US Forestry service, bloodroot is extremely poisonous.  It is a source of morphine.  It has been used as an emetic and a laxative.    because of its expectorant qualities it has been used to treat chronic bronchitis.  It is both a pain reliever and sedative. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

Wild Ginger

 This is another plant that grows in the woods of the Eastern States...

Thursday, February 25, 2021


 To me, this looks like the face of surprise....

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


Bloodroot, is a beautiful plant grows wild in the woods around here / Eastern US.  It is a perennial.   

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Old doors...

Worn doors on a vine covered barn.  the vine is a Virginia creeper.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Drive-by sunset...

 Coming home Saturday evening late there was a spectacular sunset.  Since I do the driving and can only 'sort of' aim and shoot, this was the only one half decent.  How I wish you could have seen more.  T

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Slow down...

Often my train of thought repeats itself...has for years.  And that is when out driving about, or especially driving to visit family...I think of how long it would have taken with a regular horse and wagon.  And how few times we would have actually seen the girls or family.  And I often think of the Amish...and how long it takes them to get from here to there in the horse and buggies.   And how dangerous it is for them.
Different train of thought following.
I never post videos here...but I just have to this time.  Every time I hear the words Slow Down, I think of this scene from Taxi.  I have never had anyone not like it...even Lorelei thinks it we still do.  


Saturday, February 20, 2021

Friday, February 19, 2021

On its way...

Though it might not seem like it, spring is on its way.  This photo reminded me of that...

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

White barn in snow...

 We are having snow as I get this ready to schedule it to post about 3 days from now.  It is the most snow we have had in at least a couple years if it stopped now.  But we are supposed to get 6-12 inches.  

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Inside view


I wish it were a bit better view...I always like seeng what the camera captures when I zoom in.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Turkey Vulture

 I have posted this before...I always think it is the best shot I have of a Turkey Vulture in flight.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Little house

 I wish we could have paused for a better pic...this is a quick drive-by shot...on a little curvy country road.  It was winding enough till you did not dare stop.  I always thought this was for kids to wait in to catch the school bus because it is right down at the end of a drive...very close to the road.

Saturday, February 13, 2021


 I love the way the natural stone was used here....not something I would have thought would look good with brick.  But I think this works.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Centennial farm

 I love all the details, but I wonder just how hard it is to keep everything looking so sharp.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

A couple of beauties

 Even though this is an old shot, I don't think I have ever posted it before.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Making tracks


Though I know there are lots of coyotes around, I seldom see one.  I bet I could count on my fingers the number I have seen.

Monday, February 8, 2021

From a nearby town...

 This little cabin sits in the backyard in a small town near us.  It is really small, smaller than this photo shows.  I am just a bit above 5ft and I could not go through the door without bending over.

Re yesterday's post of the War is in Indianapolis and is part of the Indiana War Memorial Plaza.  You can read about it HERE

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Saturday, February 6, 2021

One more bird...

 A little house finch I think...

Northern Flicker

 Even though its body is in the shadow of the feeder, I still like the shot with sun warm upon its face.

Friday, February 5, 2021

From my the dining room

 I was surprised Wednesday morning to see this  Northern Flicker at my feeder.  I bet I don't see one here over once a year, if that.  Even before the starlings  took over.  

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

It is what it is

 This is a quick snap with a P&S camera...I consider myself lucky to get it in the frame even.  It is a cropped portion of the original.  It could be more in focus.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Monday, February 1, 2021

Another flea market item...

 Things were so packed into this booth that it was hard to get a decent shot of items...

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