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My Other Blog

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Resting or retired???

I really thought this tractor was probably junked, but looking at the picture, I am not so sure. The tires, though worn, are not flat. But it sure looks like it could use some TLC.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Remembering the glory....

The photo avove is from last is the house that this barn belongs with.
I call it the knock your eyes out red honestly is that color.

Old made beautiful

Monday, February 22, 2010

Husband made knife

You have heard of homemade, well this is husband made. This is a repeat from a couple years ago...I just wanted to show it again.
It is a knife Roger made for a friend of his. I have featured some other knives on my Pics & Pieces blog.

Friday, February 19, 2010

From one year ago today

I thought I would look back through the archives and see if I took any pictures on this day last year and amazingly enough I did. I try looking back every so often, and most times I try it, I will have take some the day before and the day after, but not the day I am looking on. Anyway, this is a cropped portion of a photo, and I bet I have posted a similar version last year at this time, but since I haven't been out in a few days, I thought it worthy of reposting anyway.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's time to go to meeting...

I am not sure why, but I like this is no prize winner but it makes me smile.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Covered bridge view

This is another view from the Roseville Covered Bridge in Coxville, Indiana. That is Big Raccoon Creek in the view.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Frost on more than the pumpkin

When we left for our drive yesterday, we did not expect to see any more hoarfrost...and is it hoar frost or hoarfrost...I see it both ways? And it was just in patches, but still beautiful. Anyway, I love the poem When the Frost is on the Punkin and I could not keep the thought that this is sure not frost on the pumpkin...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Emm, have you got any hip waders I could borrow??

This guy was really getting tired of me before I finally captured this. We were driving right beside Big Raccoon Creek when Roger spotted him. We stopped, I got out, he took off. Roger went real slow and we stopped again and I got out. I tried to keep a tree trunk between him and me, but he spotted me anyway and took off again. The third time I was able to stay in the car and get this one.

I think it looks much too cold to be wading, don't you?

An oldie but goldie.....

This is not far from here...there is just something about it that I like. I have used it as a header before on my other blog, and used it in a post over there.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A fairyland....

There was a feeling of looking out on a fairyland this morn when I finally noticed.
Lorelei was coming so I didn't really have time to fool around taking photos, but I did walk over to the railroad for a few.
Hoarfrost is another thing that improves any scene. And these do not really portray how it felt being there.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Evening Sky Watch at the Strip Pits...

It has been a while since I joined the Sky Watch Meme...but I thought I would take time to join it once again.
These were all taken just a last weekend...about 10 minutes from here. We go out there
to see the geese, pheasant, Northern harriers, and whatever else we can see. Somedays we see a lot of wildlife, others not so much. But even when we don't see wildlife, the sky always comes alive at sunset.

If you want to see more sky shots, please go to the Skywatch Friday Blogspot.

From a snowy afternoon drive

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In winter's grip

This was a drive-by shot taken as we went to see Lorelei was her birthday. So we HAD to go! Even if just for a short, short visit.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bridge view

This is the view seen through the Roseville Covered Bridge, built in 1910, as we are passing through Coxville, Indiana. (Population of Coxville cannot be be more than 50 people!) I must say you will like this much better if you click and enlarge it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

One cold bird

This was one of two pheasants we saw at the strip pits last night. Click on it for a larger view. To see the photos of pheasants that I am most proud of click here....they are on my other blog.

Down a country road

I think this will be a favorite picture of mine...I feel like I am actually in it...I feel like for once I got the perspective right. And this was a drive-by shot. If you look in the upper right corner, you can see the dirty windshield. This is a road I drove twice a day for several years on my way to and from work.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Looking as old as I feel tonight....

I love old buildings of any kind...but I swear tonight I feel almost as old as this one looks. This afternoon, I spent at least two hours crawling around on the floor pin basting a quilt together.

Not just fair weather friends

This is just a sample of the birds that come to the feeders...other than the starling, they are the most numerous. The flit about so fast it would be impossible to get an accurate count of them....the starlings are not quite as flighty. I counted 17 of them the other day.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
Click to enlarge photos.


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