My other blog

My Other Blog

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Your thoughts?

The one looks like he is scolding the other...and the one being scolded looks like he is angry at what is being said.  I almost titled this 'Angry Birds.'

Thursday, January 29, 2015

More crabapple blossoms...

Another scan...of a house not far from here.  Again a repeat...but people seemed to enjoy yesterday's petals, so thought I might as well post this.  These were both taken several years ago...I don't think I have ever seen pink sidewalks since then....

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Petals and good fence

I have had this ready to post for a long time--it is from the time before my digital camera.  From a scanned slide.  I thought it might appeal to others as it does me. 

Linking to Good Fences....

Monday, January 26, 2015

Patton's Corner for Rubbish Tuesday

I have so many photos from Patton's thought I would share a few of them here.  Patton's Corner is out in the middle of no where.  No one is ever around.  There is a little shack there, and this is one of the shelves in it.
There is so much stuff at this just would not believe it all.  We look and look and still know we miss stuff.  Of course, you can tell by this photo that we were there in the middle of the day...I have played with this photo and it is still not great.
I cannot believe I have not posted this photo of this wrench.  I have looked and cannot spot is interesting anyway.

Linking to Rubbish Tuesday with this post.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

For the Barn Collective

Shots from the road...I don't remember the details of shooting these.  They were taken in 2008.  We were either headed north on a weekend getaway or headed home, so I don't think we stopped.  I would have gotten out if we had.  However, maybe Roger could have slowed down--we took roads that were less traveled.
I should save this for Good fences, but just going to post it here it was taken the same day.
Too bad you can see part of the dashboard in this shot.
Lucky I did not get Roger in this shot...

This is my entry for the Barn Collective!  

There you have a few drive-by barns.  One thing, probably at least 95% of the time when I post a drive-by shot, I have messed with the sharpness either in Photoshop Elements or Picasa's HDR effect.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


This was taken January 11.  With all the warm days we have been having, there is probably no trace of this left.  This is the dam at the Mansfield mill....I was thinking it would probably be gone by now but think I might be wrong.  Most of the ponds we pass on the way to Sarah's still had ice on them.  And we saw geese walking on it, so it is not just a skim.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Indiana sky

It was getting late, we were going 55-60 miles an hour...this is what I got. 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Finished mural...

This was one time I was glad we were stopped by a stoplight.  This was taken Sunday in Brazil, Indiana.  Go here to see it before it was finished.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Good Fences

These are from back in the summer...I don't think I have posted them
They are both in Indiana, north of us an hour or so.

Linking to Theresa's Good Fences!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I cannot remember where we were at when I quick grabbed this shot while at a stoplight.  I just love the vivid colors.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Photo overload for Rubbish Tuesday

Please click to expand for a better view.
A week or so ago I featured this view of this barn.   But if you want to see older views of it, go over here to my other blog.  I think you would enjoy them.  Notice the date for those is in 2008.

Anyway, I wanted to share some other views of it for Rubbish Tuesday.
 It appears that the barn is getting a makeover.  I am fine with that.
And had to offer this one last view...

Remember to check other entries for Rubbish Tuesday....

Sunday, January 18, 2015

For the Barn Collective

First of all, this is another barn that makes my list of favorites.  But there is no way to pull off and get a good picture.  Still, this one is not too bad if you ignor the blurred bales of hay in the foreground.
This one is a little run down, but still I enjoy seeing it.
 This one I am calling a barn, but seeing all the vehicles around it, I wonder is it a garage.  It is a drive-by taken today.

Hope you have enjoyed them...if you have a barn to post, why not come join me at Amy's Barn Collective.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Little shack

This is a little building of some sort...not sure if it has been a little house or a work shop or what.  I don't remember where we were at when I took this photo.  I wish I had gotten a better view.

Friday, January 16, 2015

November sunset

I have enough sunset and barn pictures to run a blog on only them.  I try to not post sunset/sunrise photos too often, but sometimes I just cannot resist.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

From September of 2014

This is one of the photos from Madison, Indiana.  Just love all the details.  Actually,I  just love it in general.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Good Fence....

This is a barn I have posted before...but not this view.  I just simply love this barn and will post other views later.  If I can remember in time, going to link to Teresa's Good Fences tomorrow. 

This is definitely more fun to look at in the expanded view!

Already slacking on the job...

I cannot believe I done skipped a day posting...maybe this is going to be the new me...skipping days all the time.

Anyway, how about this fellow/gal?
We went for a little drive Sunday--just checking out the fishing spots.  At the tailwaters of the dam, Roger asked if I wanted to drive on back...I said it doesn't matter.
He said well, we never know what we will see, and he had not driven 20 or 30 feet when he spotted this eagle.  I got out of the Rav and started walking back.  The eagle just sat.  I don't think I ever got to where there was  no little limbs in front of him.  But they aren't too bad in these.  He finally took off and flew down the creek and lit on the other side.
I took this one across the creek...he had not gone very far.  He did not set there as long this time, but flew back up the creek and lit in another tree on the other side.  It is/was just thrilling to think we did not scare him so bad that he took off for good.

All three of these photos are cropped and grainy, but still thrilled to get them.  It was so dark and cloudy, I had my ISO set at I have fiddled with these in Picasa. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

From last fall

This was taken last fall...I don't think I got around to posting it.

Edited to add:
I just noticed that Amy's Barn Collective is open, so think I will link to it before it gets any later!

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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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