My other blog

My Other Blog

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


One advantage to buggies, a flat tire would not slow you down.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

For the birds, Sepia Scenes

I had another barn scheduled for Sepia Scenes, but thought it was a little much to post a barn two days in a row. So, I scheduled it for another day and got this one ready. I put out a couple hills of gourds, and now have about 30 gourds drying. Two or three were almost totally dry when I cut them off the vine. We shall see how they develop.

If you wish to join with your sepia photo, or if you just want to see what others posted for this meme, click on the badge at the top of this post. I am just hoping I remember to sign in tomorrow when it opens.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Ruby Tuesday

I am in a hurry and this was all I could find right quick for Ruby Tuesday....however, I am getting tired of posting the same type of photo every other week. Everyone else signs on with awesome pictures, and I feel like I post the same thing over and over. Sitting here, I see something to photograph for next week. In the meantime, I am going with this barn. It sure looks like a lot of life happens in it. I would love to nose around inside it and see what all I could see. But since I can't, I am posting it for this week's Ruby Tuesday. If you want to join, or just see what others post, click on the badge at the top and visit Mary T's Work of the Poet blog.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A little Mellow Yellow

This was taken about a month ago when everything was dripping wet from rain. I thought I would share it for Mellow Yellow Monday. If you want to join, or just see more views, click on the badge.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I posted a different picture of this same monarch the other day on my Pics & Pieces blog, and it was more of a close-up. For some reason, this one is my favorite.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Autumn arriving

I could not get a better view of this...I was standing at the edge of strip pit on a steep bank...yet I could not resist trying because of how the light was reflecting off the water and hitting the leaves. I just love the way the color is arriving on this blackberry briar.

I plan on adding this to the list at MaryT's Work of the Poet/Ruby Tuesday post...if you want to join click the badge.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

A bit more yellow....

There was just something about this that I liked...if I can remember I am going to add this to the Mellow Yellow page. If you want to join, or see more photos featuring yellow, Please click
the badge at the bottom of the page. I wish I had thought and saved the previous post for Mellow Yellow Monday.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Yellow butterfly in a yellow world

I am pretty sure this is one of the sulfur butterflies, but not sure which one. It went from one yellow flower to another. While it is true that most of the flowers there were yellow, there were some white ones as well but it seemed to choose yellow every time.

Friday, September 18, 2009

A new dragonfly for me

This is the first time I have noticed this kind of dragonfly in real life...I have seen them on other's least I think I have. I haven't taken time to really check for sure, but the blogs I plan to check out later is Mary's Faith, Fabric, and Photos and EG's East Gwillimbury Wow blog...I know they have both had some amazing captures of dragonflies.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Turning to gold

Another sign that autumn is well on its way. I fear that it is not going to be as pretty this fall as it has been the past two or three years. Some of the things I see changing color is just not as pretty as it normally is, so when I see nice color, I want to stop and capture it while it is available.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A lot of textures

I don't remember where this was taken...but there are so many different materials in this that I thought it was interesting.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A quilt with red for Ruby Tuesday

This is the one and only quilt my older daughter made...when she was still in college. She made the blocks, and I had her do them in a quilt as you go method. After she got them made, I set them together and did the binding for her. If I remember correctly it is about 60 inches square.

And being that there is red in it, I thought I would use it for Ruby join click the badge at the bottom of this post

Come sit a while....

This is a bench at the T. C. Steele Historic Site. We happened to find the place last fall and totally enjoyed our visit there. See more of my photos from this place here.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A spot of color....

These leaves are on the cottonwood tree across the street....just a few of its leaves are turning. I notice some of the maple trees over on the next street have more of a start than the cottonwoods. I so enjoy autumn--even if it does mean winter is not far behind.

Indiana sunset

This was taken last summer, northwest of Clinton, Indiana. I don't know how you feel about a sky like this, but I can never get enough of them. I cannot remember when I started always watching the sky, but I know I had started when I was in high school.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My other baby

This is one of my other babies...this is the second cat I have had named Cougar. I honestly tried to name him something else, but kept slipping and calling him Cougar. So Cougar he became. And he does have some traits my original Cougar had: he likes tomatoes, I am his favorite person, he often wants me to come outside and play with him. You know what I mean--he will scratch at the door or window and when I open the door he looks at me and walks away. And will do it over and over sometimes.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

From the strip pits

This is from out at the strip pits....on my other blog I have pictures from here. At least one was almost from this exact same spot. I just love all these sunflowers and wondered how they came to be there. Was it birds that spread them, or was it people?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Just another thistle picture

I try to give up taking certain types of pictures, but never seem to be able to do it. Thistle is one of a few subjects that I find hard to resist. This was taken out at the strip pits today. As anyone knows who ever looks/reads my regular blog very often, the strip pit area is a favorite place for me to go.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Longhorn cattle

How would you like to meet one of these? I really don't know what kind of personality they have...maybe depends on how their owners treat them. We saw these down in southern Indiana yesterday. I wish these had been closer to the road...I would have liked to focus on just one or two cows.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Apples for Ruby Tuesday

Some of you may not know that I worked at an apple orchard for almost 20 years. I usually go out at least once a year to take pictures, but have not did it this year due to babysitting Lorelei. However, I thought I would post this picture of Molly's Delicious apples. The one below is one I worked on with Photoshop Elements 2 and posted on Paintbox Pictures. I hope you will click on it for the better view of it.
When the meme opens, click on the badge at the bottom of this post to see more Ruby Tuesday posts, or to join and share yours.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Every where we go, we run into these yellow flowers. I have taken numerous photos of just a single flower, but thought this gives a better feel for them.

Round Roof

To see the rest of the building, go here. This was taken yesterday near Washington, Indiana.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Fall colors

This is actually from last year, but the colors are already here this year...I just haven't had much time to be out with my cameras.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sepia Scene from an old B&W

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This is from a B&W photo, taken in Tennessee at the Museum of Appalachia. I ran across it and others the other day and thought what a great sepia scene it would make. If you want to join MaryT's Sepia Scenes meme, please click
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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