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Monday, January 15, 2018

Red Bellied Woodpecker

I had so many I could not choose just one...

I usually only get in two or three shots before it takes off...

And to tell the truth the photos below may be a different bird.  The bird above flew away...and a few minutes later I thought it came back.  And it may be the same bird but notice the one messed up feather in the following photos.

The bird/s were sure active.

And one last shot, very similar to one above:

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Barns from last autumn...

I like this first one as much for the sky as for the barn!

I thought you might like seeing this Amish farm above...if you will expand the view, look at all the solar panels on the house on the extension on the back side. Edited to add:  There is an Amish man hoeing in the garden.   This is a typical Amish home for this area...except for the solar panels.  Wondering if they are allowed to use electric if they produce it with their own solar panels?

This is from driving home from a doctor's appointment in looked best in B&W.

Another barn from that drive.

I hope you enjoy them...

linking to the Barn Collective.

Friday, January 12, 2018


The female Northern Cardinal has a beauty all her own...look at the touch of red on her chest and her topknot.

There were Dark-eyed Juncos galore...

Lots of starlings are showing up at the feeders, too.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

From a display case

Have had this in my photos for a couple months...I always loved turquoise.  But I just don't wear jewelry except for wedding band and a pair of earrings...

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Scene from the past....

Taken a few years ago at Green Valley, near West Terre Haute, Indiana.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

I would treasure this if it were mine...

My mom cooked on a stove very similar to this till I was in 3rd or 4th grade.  

Linking to Tuesday's Treasures....

Monday, January 8, 2018

From autumn...

There was a post I did a while back with pumpkins on posts, and in the background this barn can be seen.

So I thought I would give a better view of it...

Linking to The Barn Collective.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Mrs. Ring-necked Pheasant

Looking at these and looking at the ones I posted a couple days ago where I was shooting blind...maybe I should continue shooting blind.

I was shooting from inside the car and could see my screen but these still feel a bit unfocused  to me.  Still, she is a beauty.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Repost from January 2009...

This is copied and pasted from my Pics and Pieces blog...from January 25, 2009.  Mama Squirrel has been gone several years now, but I still miss her.  I always wonder if the squirrels that visit are related to her.  Surely some are.  She raised two litters in our big old maple every year except one...for several years.   Three babies in each litter.

We had two dogs at the time...and she knew the difference in the two.  One would have killed her in a heartbeat.  She avoided her, as well as teased her.  She would sit just outside the fence when Keesha was out and Keesha would stand and bark at her.

However if it was our Collie mix, she would walk up to her and smell her feet.  Would get drinks of water with her laying close to the water dish.  Anyway, below is the story and photos. 
January 25, 2009
If you are here for Camera Critters, that post is below this one, though this one fits also. At my house, it is a signal to Mama Squirrel when I open my dining room curtains.
So many times, I open them and in just a few minutes here she comes. And she gets on the fence post and stares until she gets a reaction from me. Sometimes, she meets me on the back porch, and others if I am not out there instantly she hikes back across the street to the trees. I don't know if she spots one of the cats in the window or what. But this morn was one of those times she ran back across the street; I was slow cause I was actually putting on my coat and getting the camera. But it was for the best cause I got some shots of her in action, running to see what I had. She was just a bit shy of the camera, maybe cause it is all black. My other rebel has a lot of silver on it and she did not seem to mind it. Or maybe it is just the weather...who knows. I just thought it would be fun to feature her again...I cannot think how many years she has been coming here...I think it is finishing up 3 years but it could be 4. She is such a you can see she don't mind touching me...but still won't let me pet her. Though sometimes when she is standing in my hand like this, I will use one of my fingers to scratch her under her chin, or whatever it reaches. There are times when I think she would almost jump on to my arm to get to the food. As an added note, as you can see we are getting another skim of snow this morning. Up to an inch is predicted.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Shooting blind...sort of

It was almost middle of the day when we happened to drive through the strip pit area.  So, I am shooting with my little point and shoot and cannot see the screen...I am just aiming and hoping for a decent result.   The one above, I got a glimpse, but only guessed and shot.   The ones below are totally blind shots.  I would have a better chance of reading in the dark than seeing the screen...

Not too bad...for not seeing what I was shooting...

I was happier with this one.  Look toward the horizon...all those geese on the ground.  I think they are mostly white fronted geese, but not sure.  I think there are some Canada geese mixed in.

This last photo is a cropped version of the one above it.

from January 6, 2012

I was looking for covered bridge photos, and could not believe the date this was taken when I noticed!

Just thought I would show them again...

If you click the above, you can see the curved arch...not the greatest pic but you can at least see that.  Maybe it with the one below will give you a feel for it.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Photo from the past.

This was not taken today, however we have about two inches of snow. And it is bitter cold...the high today was 4ºF.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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