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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Identify this woodpecker

This woodpecker let me walk to within 4 or 5 feet....and it would not have flown then except there was a loud noise.
I am pretty sure the same one has been out there before and let me walk to with in 2-3 feet of him. 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Red Admiral

Can't choose which photo to use...

so you're getting the three best ones.

I have played with them in Picasa...

Thursday, July 24, 2014

It's day is almost done...

I think it looks like someone bowing its head in prayer....

Random Good Fences

Not positive where this one is at, though I am thinking maybe up near the Willow Slough Wildlife area.
I went and checked the original files, and these top two were both from a trip to Willow Slough.
And just for good measure, I am throwing this one in from June of this year....

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Strip pit sunset

 I don't shoot sunsets near as often as I used to.
 But while out at the strip pits last week, I could not resist a few shot.
I could not choose a favorite, so am posting three different ones. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

More from Patton's Corner for Rubbish Tuesday

All the photos in this post are from one piece of machinery...
I cannot help but think whoever had to work on these had to use their brain power to keep everything working just right.
 We were thinking maybe it gathered and shelled corn....
but if you know for sure what it was used for, feel free to inform us in your comment.
I had not thought to google and try to figure what it is till now...and I have other things to do.

Anyway, linking this to Rubbish Tuesday.

Friday, July 18, 2014

First butterfly capture of the season

I think this is the first butterfly I have photographed this season.  He stuck around just long enough for me to get two or three shots.

FYI,  we will be getting Lorelei after a bit if nothing happens, so my blogging will probably be nonexistent for a few days. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

From the Heron Park

These photos are from the Heron and Eagle Viewing place that is north of Danville, Illinois.  I never know what to call the place....I find it called different things on the web. 
I was on the  boardwalk and he was out ahead of me about 12-15 feet.  When I first saw him, he did his  know.  The one where they swell/fluff their wings out big and you can see all the red on it...I trained my lens on him, and eased on up.  I was so hoping he would cooperate and do another call.
It did do this number though...
And I got closer to it than I have been to one...

Monday, July 14, 2014

For Rubbish Tuesday

First a photo I have posted sometime in the past...going to show it again just cause I like it.  This old swing was just left hanging...the house was abandoned and boarded up.  Stuff growing up all around it.  And then there was this old swing.  I just loved how it was hanging there, waiting on its family to come to return.
And then since the first has been shown before, I will add this one from Patton's Corner.  I have posted a pic of this old tractor before but this was taken when we were up there the end of last month.

Linking with Rubbish by Roan's Rubbish Tuesday meme...I may be slow getting to everyone's post but I will get to them.

Another skeeter eater!

From the heron viewing place north of Danville, Illinois...taken this past Friday.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Water Lily

We were in Danville, Illinois to go to a quilt show, so ran on north to the Heron viewing station.  The Water Lilies were up so big, we could hardly see any wildlife.  But oh, were the lilies beautiful.  It was worth it just to see them.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Can't decide which photo...

so be prepared.  I am posting a lot...specially for this blog.  The following are all pictures of the same knife...just different views.

I happened into his shop when he was first making it

And I fell in love with it....

He told me I could have it.

 I offered to trade my other one for it but he told me to keep both...

 He was planning to make this one to sale, instead I got it!  

He is working on one right now for a buddy he worked with for years...after that I should have be able to post a few along that he will be selling. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Rubbish Tuesday-- from Patton's corner again

I hope this isn't boring for anyone...but I am posting more from Patton's corner.
I figure I might as well throw in 3 or 4 shots since they are all from the same place...
Now for a little change of pace...
the one above from the kitchen.

Linking to Rubbish Tuesday....

Sunday, July 6, 2014

From my yard

I should have taken a picture of this now...this was taken June 27.  It is now starting to mature and the birds have been pecking at it but have decided it needs to mature  little more and are leaving it alone right now.


There is a place a few miles from here where this couple has planted all these seeds of different flowers right beside the road.  There are these, and poppies and sunflowers and others that I don't know the name.  The only thing, the wind is always blowing and it is so hard to get a decent shot.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Running late...

I have just been home long enough to give Tootie her bath...we are getting ready to settle down with a little Scoopy Do....I don't think it will take either of us very long to be ready for bed.

Anyway, I just saw this for the first time up at the swampy area up north last is called a button bush. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Scene from the strip pits....

This is from June 26...I love it in B&W....will show it in color another day.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

A portion of a Good Fence

This is from back in May...back when there was that wonderful fresh green look.  For the Good Fence meme   Now I just have to remember to link up tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Go, skeeter eater, go!

We were up at the swamp area north of Lodi, Indiana and these dragonflies were almost swarming!  I kid you not, I have never seen so many of one kind of dragonfly in one spot, and they were pretty cooperative.
I got several shots, but am choosing these two for this post because they fit the title to this post.  And that title is lifted directly from a comment Theresa from The RunARound Ranch Report...a comment she made on another post of mine.

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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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