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My Other Blog

Friday, June 29, 2012

Old stuff....

This is a little building that is at Patton's Corner, seen here at my other blog.
I hope that someday when we pass there that someone is out that we can talk to.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Friday's fence offering...

Just a couple shots for Friday's old fence will add interest to a lot of shots. Above is trumpet vine.
I want to go back and examine these....don't ask what is under the trumpet vine because I don't know. I have looked at my original photos and cannot tell. It just looks like trumpet vine trees but it cannot be.

Anyway, click them to enlarge them...they are my entry for Friday's Fences.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A new kind of planter....

I saw this at Patton's Corner yesterday...I just had to photograph it.


I saw several today, but this one was the only one to cooperate enough for me to get a decent shot.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Barn from the Land of Lincoln....

We saw this barn over in Illinois the other was about the only one I could shoot with any success.

So I am showing several images.

I had to convert one or two to black and white.

I hope you enjoy my entry to Tricia's Barn Charm meme!

Great Blue Heron

I think this is the last one I have to post of this Great Blue Heron...

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Sunflowers make me think of the sun generally. But also I seem to take a shot from the side like this every year, and each time it reminds me of an old lady in a bonnet.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Lilies by the roadside....

I take photos of these lilies every year...they grow throughout our area. Any time we are out in the country, we will see these growing.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Just a glimpse for Friday's fences...

We passed this fence sometime last year over in was a beauty....and I don't know why I did not get better photos...if I remember correctly it was a busy road even though out in the middle of nowhere.
Even though I should have done better, I am still going to share this with you for Friday's Fences.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

From somewhere in Illinois

Actually, I am pretty sure this was along Route 1, and south of Danville, but how far south I don't know. I wonder how long it has sat there...what happened that it was left sitting there?

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Out on a limb with no place to go

He looks like he is stranded, but he quickly dove in when I moved too close.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Brick Barn Charm

Finally! I saw this barn a year or two ago, the first time we went to the heron viewing station, but did not have a chance the photograph it. The second time we went, we approached the viewing station from a different direction and did not pass it.
But last week I had the good fortune to see it again. And Roger turned around and went back till I could take some photos. We were parked on someone else's property so I only snagged a few.
As you can probably guess, it was the middle of the day so kind of a washed out feel to the photos. But still, I am very glad to get to enter it in Tricia's Barn Charm Meme!

For fun, I leave you with a view of it converted to B&W....which happens to be my favorite. I think.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Just a little color to brighten the day...

From the flowerbed...the bees seem to like these flowers. And I like how bright and cheerful they are.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


This is the Great Blue Heron I showed a few days is cropped quite a bit to get this version of the shot. As I crept around the boardwalk trying to get close to it, I could not help but think of something Roger read somewhere a few years ago. Some photographer was photographing one, got to close to it, and it came after him. He held out his hand, and the heron drove his beak through the photographer's hand. That is painful just to think about.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Beauty in the muck....

I could get closer to the top photo, but liked the second because its petals are not so damaged.

Notice the bee right above it--I don't even know if I saw it when I shot the photo.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Totally unrelated photos for Friday's fences

I have had these ready to go for a going to post them...I guess I am hoping quantity will make up for quality.
It it fun to watch for the things people leave on fence I take a photo of it every chance I get.

I thought this was neat but do not like my photo of it...I think the reason I don't like it is the lighting. It is up in Parke County....just in the middle of this yard.

And this is an oldie that I really like, even though the fence is is a scan of a B&W photo from years ago.

This is my entry for Friday's Fences....

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My favorite shot from yesterday....

Remember you can click on this and enlarge it.
In a post from my Pics & Pieces blog I posted photos of the Heron and Eagle viewing station we went to yesterday. Well, there were no eagles to be seen, but there were herons...and I got a lot of this Great Blue Heron shown here...maybe I should have posted some of the others first but I just really liked this one.

I must say it was the most cooperative heron I have ever tried to photograph. I still moved very slowly as I crept up closer to him.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My very own coneflowers

I have been wanting coneflowers for a few years...I really don't have a good excuse for not having them before now....but I planted two. That is a start...

Monday, June 11, 2012 overload....

I have probably posted a lot of these at one time or another...
but came across some of them which lead to looking for others...

and decided to post several in one post.

It is one of my favorite is east of Bridgeton, near the old iron bridge.

Looking at it from the front....the part on the right side has been suffered storm damage twice in the past few years, and both times they have repaired it. The last time was last year and it was almost completely torn off.

I don't know why the photo below has that greenish hint of color along the top..

I have taken lots of photos of this place and will probably take a lot more.

And I will probably post more of them...

So, in trying not to say too much, will just say that this is my entry to Tricia's Barn Charm Meme.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

And the wind never stops....

I don't know about where you live, but around here the wind very seldom completely stops...if ever.
These are a couple attempts of the grasses/hay growing at the strip pits.
I don't think I had ever noticed the little flowers before...amazing what trying to zoom in close will teach us.

Friday, June 8, 2012

From a stoplight on 59--in Linton

We were at a stoplight in Linton, Indiana, on our way to Goose Pond. I looked up and seen this and was amazed at the detail. I was also amazed that our light stayed red long enough for me to get a shot of it.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fences from the strip pits

I took these a couple weeks ago, knowing I would eventually get back to blogging.
It is hard to capture the grass/hay in all its glory. Actually, I haven't even come close to capturing what I want.

Anyway, to see more fences, go see Life According to Jan and Jer.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

From my yard....

Roger and I made a new little flowerbed a week or two ago...I put two hibiscus in in. One was this pink one, since Lorelei loves pink. I hope it is still blooming when she comes this and the other one has had so many blooms.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Just a couple more from the barn

The inside of the barn was so full of stuff...and so dimly lit, that I could not get a decent photo anywhere. I could not see to focus and the auto focus did not work either. So up above you see one shot that is half decent.

And I thought I would show this shot from the outside.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Participating in Barn Charm again!

I have been MIB--missing in blogland for more reason that one. Had a summer cold for a while...been gone, etc. So thought I would make my re-entry on my favorite time of the week...Barn Charm time. And I finally got to stop and get photos of this barn that we pass every time we go see Lorelei.

It was built in the mid 1800's....isn't it a beauty? The inside is full of antique booths. Lighting is poor but have a couple photos I will post the next time I post. This post is full of photos as it is.

But I just could not leave any of them out.

I walked all around the barn...the owners were very, very nice and seemed to understand my love for the barn.

I think this end is used for loading and unloading items...

I didn't think till I got outside, but I did not see the way to go upstairs, though I think I realize now the reason for this one door being shut. I don't recall if it had a lock on it or not.

And now we are back to the front.

I am so glad to finally have photos of this barn...I have been admiring it for years and years.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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