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Thursday, March 31, 2016

Picking violets...

Lorelei was picking violets for me today....

Edited to add:  Just realized this is the perfect time to link to Denise's Today's Flowers.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Random fences from the past couple of days...

This is backroad we take to go to nearby Rockville, Indiana.

Actually the above shot is from a few days ago....I meant to include it in last week's Good Fences.

I am including two views here...

All shots today are drive-bys.

I will be linking to Tex's

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A favorite subject...

We were on one of the backroads to Mansfield with Lorelei today....I got to try to nab a few pics the chickens again.  The rooster in front is a bit on the shy side.  I don't know how many times I have tried to photograph him and he won't stay in one place for long.  I think he is actually afraid. 
The hens are not quite as bad...
but they were busy and hard to capture them at the best second...
I love photographing chickens, specially roosters.

The icing on the cake was when we were getting to Mansfield, Lorelei told me that that was her new favoritest road!  

Monday, March 28, 2016

More odds & ends from Skinner Farm Museum

and one last one:
Just imagine what this wheel was on.

I may be REAL slow commenting.  Lorelei is here and she has plans to do so much stuff if the weather permits.

Linking to
Tuesday's Treasures.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Turkeys from last week...

We saw 8 or 9 turkeys last week.

I think these that I am showing were young jakes.

I was happy to get to take these few pics.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Barns from the past week...

I have some new to me barns for the Barn Collective this week.  Saw these when we took a little detour on the way home the other day.

The barn above was quite a distance away.

I had to really zoom in to get this shot.

Then I snapped this side as we were passing on by.

And this was just a quick drive-by capture.

Hope you will join us with your own barn at
The Barn Collective.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Sign seen the other day

This sign in someone's yard caught my eye the other day.  It was out in the country, and situated on a strip pit.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Who's that lady?

Who's that lady?

Beautiful lady...

I don't know what kinds of chickens these hens are, but aren't they just absolutely gorgeous!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Fences from today....

The following photos are from a little drive we took today.  I was tempted to save this first photo for a stand alone photo.  I just love the view below. 

 As, always, click to expand the view.

The one above was quite far away...

A couple different views of this one.

I am linking to Tex's

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Waiting patiently

I always look forward to the dogwoods blooming...

I am waiting patiently for them...but only because I have to.

Dogwoods are a favorite of mine.

Monday, March 21, 2016

More treasures from the Skinner Farm Museum...

This is another of the treasures from the museum.

I moved in a little close for this shot.

Roger got up there to show size...

It was actually as long as this looks!

See the bulldog?

Now the 'thing' below was there close to the steam tractor above.

According to Wikipedia the 8-16 Mogul is a tractor made by International Harvester.  (that is the owner at the extreme right...)

I hope you enjoyed these...there is still more to come from this place.

This dusty little knight was in the back of a truck in the other building...I just had to throw him with this mix for good measure.

I will be linking to Tom's Tuesday's Treasures.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

From Goose Pond area near Linton, Indiana

We saw this little guy a few days the same area we saw the Pelicans.

There was one pond that had a lot of coots...

However, they were not very close, and were just scattered all over  the entire pond.

There were also a few geese around...

That is the extent of what we saw, except we saw a couple eagles but they were much too far away to get a photo. 
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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