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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The root of the matter--

I was taking a picture of the whole tree but zoomed in and liked this shot of the roots better.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mackinac Bridge

Again, a repost of an old photo...but that was a long time ago. And I came across this and still like it. I am always amazed that anyone even had the dream of building something like this, much less following through and doing it.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Barn Charm

Since none of these are what are my better photos, I am offering a variety. They are all drive-bys from a few years ago on a trip that started in Indiana, went up through Michigan, over the top through the Upper Peninsula, down and over through Wisconsin, over to the Mississippi and down and back east through Illinois. Admittedly a lot of these were probably at 55-60 mph and not 65 mph...we were not on the interstate and tend to stick to the lower speed.

I had another of the above but it was simply too blurry to put on...

I sure wich I had had an opportunity to take more shots of the above barn. I love the cupola.

I know the stop sign is obviously blurry, and to me, the barn is slightly, too...but I am still showing it. I like the curve of the road going by it.

This one is more silo than barn, but I like the stonework ....

And this is another place I wish we had had time to stop and maybe even take the road running by the place...looks like it would have been a busy farm.

To join Barn Charm, go see Tricia at Bluff Area Daily.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Though we had snow flurries today, this was taken in January. But this is what it looked like out the windows here part of the time today.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Friday's fences....old fences at that....

I thought I would enter these two photos into the Friday's fences meme...they were taken in January of 2005. Both have been published before, but I like them so much and there will be new people to see them now. Besides the fact is I have not had a chance to be out with my camera.
If you want to join or see more fences, go see Life According to Jan and Jer's Fridays Fences-- mind I signed in with Firefox and am all set now!
For some reason, blogger will not let me make a link....I am using Internet Explorer. Knowing my luck I won't even be able to post from here.
I should have left a note...I basically quit doing anything on the computer other than looking for a new computer. That took a few days, plus we went to spend the weekend with our daughter. My new computer came Wednesday evening.....I now have most things transferred to this one. I think I am about ready to start blogging again. I think. Anyway, just wanted to explain where I have been.

Edited to add: I don't know what it is with me/blogger/new computers. I got my netbook a few months ago, and could not even post from there while using Internet Explorer, now I have my new computer and I can post from there. I could not highlight anything to make links on either computer when trying to post...till I switched to Firefox. I wondered if it was something to do with Win 7.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

From a summer's evening...

This is another from the strip pits...don't you like the feeling of warmth in this shot?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Leftovers for Barn Charm

I am not getting a chance to get out for a drive, so combing through the archives for photos I have not posted...the first three photos I have had resized since the days I took them with the intention of using them for Barn Charm but have never fit them in. The first is from south and west of Terre Haute, I think. Probably still in Illinois but I would not swear to it.
The one above is north of me about 8 or 10 miles...we are usually going 60/65 miles an hour, and no chance to get a drive by because of how it is situated, so last fall we turned off on to the road that goes past it for me to have a chance to photograph it. I don't know why I did not zoom in for some close up was not a busy road...and we were just out for a drive.
Now the barn above is in Parke County...and has seen better days. Makes me think someone has had a hard-scrabble life. Still, I like it...just for the feel of it. It is a drive-by-slowly shot. The road is full of potholes that goes by this barn.
This last shot has been converted to B&W...taken in Tennessee last spring.

If you have a barn or would like to see more, why not visit Tricia and the Barn Charm will be open later on. I just realized it was Barn Charm time, so getting this ready while I have the time.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Mallards in the misty snow

I know this is not the greatest photo, but it really appeals to me...taken today while it was snowing. Enlarge it...I think you will see the appeal...well, maybe some will. Others will probably think I am a little bit crazy and they would not be far wrong.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New and old for Friday's fences....

It is time for Friday's fences again, so lets begin with something totally new. This is from the strip pits, taken Tuesday evening. I probably should have only posted the photo below, but went ahead and did both of them.

For some old, the above was taken I don't know when...kind of blurry...and has never been published for that reason.
This last one is old...with the one below being an altered version of the above. But don't ask me what I did because I don't have a clue. It was done so long ago.
If you want to join the fun, or just see more Friday's Fences, please join at Life According to Jan and Jer.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

From a gray day...

This was not taken today, though it could have been. It is just so gray and overcast, and I am so tired of it. Of course, we all know it won't be long until we are complaining about heat, so should just keep quiet and enjoy having reasons to sit at the computer.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Barn Charm.

I am going to show a couple barns from the last drive....back in January. I hope they are not as dark on your computer as on mine...specially the one above. It is hard to tell on this laptop how things are going to show up. Sometimes they look fine on other computers, and a few times not so hot.
I have passed the above barn several times and not found it appealing, but let there be a little snow and I think it makes a fine subject.
This one I have taken in different seasons, and like it each and every time I see it.
I have played with this one because it was soooo dark...I need to learn to set my camera to compensate for snow on the ground but never think of it till it is too late.

Anyway, I want to post this for Tricia's Barn Charm meme...and will attempt to visit everyone but it may take a few days.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Taken February 1, 2012

Just had to show--there is another photo of it Here at my other blog.

It also tells why I have not been blogging...nothing major...just a winter cold. Anyway, hoping to get back in the swing of things soon. I was going to join Barn Charm, but by the time I decided on a photo, was too tired to even think about trying to visit everyone else. But if I can't at least try to visit everyone else, I feel guilty joining.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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