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My Other Blog

Monday, July 31, 2017


There was a different view of this two posts back...I knew I had more photos of it, but did not try to find them.  Tonight I ran across them and thought I would go ahead and post a couple.

I don't really think it is a barn, but I really don't know what it would have been.  Corncrib had crossed my mind, too, but I don't think it is that either. 

From Feb of 2009

Still having to resort to the is fun going through them.  North of here about an hour and a half on Indiana St. Rd. 63 there are wind turbines as far as the eye can see both east and west.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Barns from the archives...

I really am not sure that this was a barn, whatever it was, it is no longer standing.  I cannot remember the last time we saw it standing, but I remember going by and thinking 'It is gone!'  I always wondered what it was used for.

This barn is on a few miles farther than the first one...I have featured it before, but it has been a while.

Just had to sneak this road is the one we travel on after I photographed the barn above.

Six minutes later I was taking this photo....

Sorry I have no new photos to show, but hoping these are new ones to most people.

Linking to The Barn Collective...

Friday, July 28, 2017

Views from July 28, 2008....

I forget where we were headed, but we were heading east one morn before sunrise...

I cannot limit myself to just one view...

These are all straight out of the camera.

I hope you enjoy the views.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Color? Or not color?

Which image do you like best?  I really don't knw in this instance which I prefer.

Redpath Memorial Presbyterian Church

We came across this church in 2008.

I think it is one of the most beautiful churches I have seen.

I don't know why I had never thought to google it, but I had not until tonight:

The Redpath Memorial Presbyterian Church in Cross Village. The Church was organized in February, 1888 and dedicated in 1890. It was destroyed by fire in 1918, to be rebuilt in 1921, through the efforts of The Rev. John Redpath, for whom the church is named. For many years the church stood empty and unused. Through the efforts of two young couples the church reopened in 1965 for summer worship.

  The above was from a facebook page for it seen HERE.  And there is a great photo of it there.

I would love to have been able to see inside...

With these views, I am linking to Tuesday's Treasures.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

One barn, many views

I have shown this barn before, but it has been a while....every time I run across the pictures of it, it makes me smile.

We were coming home from Sarah's, when she lived at Indianapolis...or we may have just met them at the half way point for them to pick up Lorelei.  Anyway, we decided to take a detour and drive some of the backroads on the way home.  Imagine my joy when we spotted this first we see this view....but wait!

There's more on the side!  Isn't that cool!

So, I am thinking this is all....and in my opinion wonderful.
But we are not done yet!

Even the back had a scene painted on it.

This is my entry for The Barn Collective

Friday, July 21, 2017

Notice the black hollyhocks...

This scene so captured my eye that I do not even remember what it was an entry to.  I honestly don't think I noticed.  I love rock walls/rock work of any kind...then there are those  black hollyhocks.   They would so match my irises that are almost black.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Box Turtle

Roger spotted this little guy when we went for the drive a while back...

I stopped and took him on across the road. 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


I offer two views of the same plant...

I have never seen Queen Anne's lace quite like this...they usually are more flatter.  For sure never so round and thick as this one.  It has that center dark flower, but if you know it to be something different, please comment and tell. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

I could not choose just I do hope you will expand the view and enjoy them.

I cannot always hold the tablet still but the other night I was quite pleased with the results.

Yes, even the above was taken with the tablet.

And I thought I might as well include another shot of the hibiscus. 

Monday, July 17, 2017

Knee high to a grasshopper...

I kept trying to snap a shot of grasshopper the other day...finally ones at still long enough for me snap a couple pics....I think he is an interesting color.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Little things...

Not sure what this is...I have tried over the years to photograph it but never had much success...

I was rather happier with these two shots than ones I have shot in the past.  I did not notice the spider webs till I downloaded the pictures to my computer.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

One barn, three views

I have posted this barn before...we always wonder what it was used for.

I tend to think for horses, but the doors are so little, I even doubt that.

Also notice the door above the door...that hinges down, not to the side.

Linking to The Barn Collective.   If I can remember!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Which is my better side?

This side?

Or this side?

We drove through the strip pit area this evening.  This is the first chance I have had to photograph a Dickcissel.  I love these little birds...they are so cheerful.

Thursday, July 13, 2017


I think this is some type of Fritillary butterfly...I am not sure which one.  It was so hard to get a photo of it...I am amazed that these shots are as good as it is because it did not hold still for more than a couple seconds.  And please if this is not a fritillary, please tell in the comments.

The above photo is cropped from the original.

This is a little guy...not sure what he is.

He was a tiny bit better than the Fritillary but not by a lot.  These are the best two of the shots I took of him.

 Leave you with a another type of butterfly...a group shot.  Not the best...but still fun to see.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

From the flowerbed...

My hibiscus is low to the ground...but it will have 20 blooms on it about every day, give or take a one or two.  It is hard to count them all....

I can almost always find a bumble bee or some type of insect on the cone flowers.

Sorry for the shadow...we were leaving and I decided to quickly snap a shot or two, and did not do so great on this day lily.

These photos are from last week. 
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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