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Saturday, May 30, 2015

ON the way to Arthur, Illinois

One of the barns on the way to Arthur, Illinois, always photographing from the passenger seat and always have to work on either in Photoshop elements or in Picasa.  About midways in the up and down and not quite half way of the barn lengthwise, I see there is a spot from our windshield.  By the way,  I love the cupola.

Friday, May 29, 2015

From this spring...

I just wanted to post something--anything.  Lorelei is here so I am not getting much blogging done.  She is all about keeping the flowers and the garden watered.  There is an 80% chance of rain tomorrow.  I am sure hoping it hits us cause we need it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mansfield Roller Mil

I don't think I have posted this before...if I did I forgot to label it. I like the old feel to this version.

I will be hit or miss with blogging for a few days.  Getting ready to get Lorelei for a few days and when she is here, some things just slip by without getting done.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Big, pretty barn

Another barn, of course.  When I can't think of anything, I post a barn.  Being that I love them, I have plenty to share.  This one was from a trip a few days ago.
I had not seen it before.  It looks well made.  I am thinking that is metal siding...

Saturday, May 23, 2015

A quick shot

Heading to Crawfordsville a few days ago, we passed this place.  I liked the look of Old Glory in the wind.

Friday, May 22, 2015


A drive by....I don't remember why I didn't see it till we were right there...we were only going about 45 because of road construction.  I have been trying to identify it...I htink maybe a 1961 Mercury Comet...

Red doors/

Going through Crawfordsville, I finally got to grab some quick shots of these doors...the above were on the side,
and these were out front.  I don't know what church this was....I only had eyes for the doors.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Put a fence in front of....

I suggest clicking and expanding the view...specially of the young.  Isn't it cute?
I thought this one was cute but had strange looking face....
and then this little one is just so darn cute...
I could not resist two of it...besides it has the best fence in the group.
 Then there is the white version
and one mama cow version.

Linking to Good Fences...

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I couldn't resist...

Every time I walk out the door, this clematis asks where is my I just had to take a few more shots.  but there are still lots of buds so hoping we will get to enjoy it a good long while.
I won't promise not to show any more photos...but I will try to wait a good while before I show any more.  

Monday, May 18, 2015

It's hammer time...

I always wonder how people end up with so many of the same they pick them up cheap and resell a bit higher?  Another picture from the Croy Creek Trader's Fair. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

More barns from the road...

This is another barn we pass every time we go to see the is on Indiana Hwy 40.

And this is another from that same trip, but it is on the county road. It is another I hardly notice. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

At last....

My wisteria blooms finally started to pen up a few days ago.  I love these things...even though this one does not bloom the way my mom's did nor the way I see other blogger's wisteria blooms.  Mine are short and fat pods of bloom. 

Friday, May 15, 2015


Go ahead--click and expand the view.  Good thing we weren't grilling out today.  This little guy was all about hunting from the grill.
I hope no one is afraid of spiders.

BTW, is anyone else getting the  'HTTP Error 503.  The service is unavailable' message besides me.  I don't get it on all blogs, and not on the ones all the time.  The funny thing is, the blog will open just fine...but then this page will go blank and except for this message.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mural(s) through the windshield

This building has murals all along the north side...or is it one big long mural?
I should go over some Sunday just to photograph them.  There are always cars and traffic along the street through the week.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Featuring fences on the fly

We pass several barns going to and from Lorelei's home.  I have never made much of an effort to capture them since we are usually going 60 mph.  However, I gave it a try the other day.  They have all been worked with to try to make them what they are.  The ones featured here all have fences included in the shots.
This is a retirement place for Thoroughbreds....we always think this is such a beautiful view looking on past the barn.
Both of the above were from the highway.
This one is from the back road...only going 30-40 mph.  It is a paved back road with no place to pull off.  And though there is not a lot of traffic, we never can just stop for me to take photos.
And another from the same road....

Linking to Good Fences...

edited to add:  Again, the photos look a bit out of focus unless you click to expand the view.

Edited one more time:  I found out that a setting in the html had had a default setting changed.  I changed it back to what it used to be and that seems to have did the trick.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


More old things from the trader's fair we went to last month.

Edited to add:  Does this look slightly out of focus to any one else?  If so, try clicking to expand the view.  I don't know why, but it looks out of focus before the view is expanded.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Barn from the back roads....

One of the barns we pass on the way to see Lorelei.  I may have tried to photograph this one once before, not sure.  We were only going approx. 40mph.  Even though it is a back road, there is always cars coming and going, so cannot stop as there is not place to pull off.

This one definitely looks better when the view is expanded.

My clematis

Last weekend it only had buds, when we left for Sarah's on Thursday morn, only one or two blossoms were there are over 20. 

Saturday, May 9, 2015


A look of concentration
A face that will light up the room! 

Friday, May 8, 2015


This was on a blackberry down at the Goose Pond area.  Not sure what it is...I wish I had examine it closer.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Good fences from Inglewood farm near Charlottesville VA

I got a text this morn that included these...I quickly got permission to use them in my blog.  Isn't this just the grandest view!!!  And don't you love the entryway!
How I would love to see this for myself...

I think these are definitely better when opened up, so I encourage you to click and enjoy.

They are my contribution to The Run*A*Round Ranch Report's Good Fences

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

It's planting time again

I paused to snap this on my home late this was right before the sun went down.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Just one more....

My dogwood is about to loose its blossoms...I doubt I take any more photos of it, but can't resist this one I took two or three days ago.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


We came across this two or three weeks ago.  I don't remember ever seeing it before...I did not think there were any roads in Parke County that we had not traveled.  Apparently I was wrong.  Actually, I think there is in the norther part of the county...but this was closer to home. 
Here we have one from back in March...when there was still a bit of snow on the ground.

Hoping I remember to link to Amy's Barn Collective.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Meow! Meow!

We saw these two kitties at the same Trader's fair as the one seen here...but they were at different tables.
I think I like the one in the previous post best of the three.  But the guy that had these had several other pieces of metal art.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The one and only....

We went by Goose Pond and that general area down by Linton, Indiana yesterday.  I saw this single honeybee, and was amazed to see even it.  It was so windy, I am sure it had trouble flying.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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