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Monday, August 31, 2015

Photos from my little camera....

From the Heron Viewing station north of Danville, Illinois...I had stood and watched this Great Blue Heron, and had walked on, but Roger called me back to see this.
 I snapped a few...
but managed to miss the exact moment he ate the fish, but did capture this as it swallowed the fish.
I just have to post a couple more...
I am linking to I'D-Rather-B-Birding....hopefully nothing will happen this time and I will get to visit a few new people.  All photos were taken with my new little Canon SX700HS.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

A couple more barns from April 26, 2011

I am returning to April 26, 2011 for Tennessee barns again.  I thought this one really interesting.
It could use a few repairs.  Even so, I would dearly love to see inside.
This barn is just a little ways on down the road from the first barn.
It looks well loved.  Do you notice the other red barn up in the right hand corner of this photo...I wonder what it looks like.  I don't remember even noticing it then.

Linking to the meme The Barn Collective.

Friday, August 28, 2015

A scene from the past

Just a little country scene that appeals to me...I hope you enjoy it, too.  It is one I had in draft...we had to run over here to Sarah's yesterday and do not have access to my photos.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Today's drive-by fences

This barn is just up the road a ways...I have passed it probably hundreds of times.  It's a real nice barn.  There is room to pull off on either side of the road.  Yet I have never taken the time to stop and get a good photograph of it.  Maybe I will get it done before the year is done.
I like this barn a lot...
Notice the horse...I think for where it is at, it is well done.
There is a fence in this...but I was drawn to the sky....

Thanks Theresa for still taking the time to host this meme!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Hi there!

I saw him on the hyacinth bean....I held my camera below it and listened for the little beep that signals it is focused and snapped the picture.  Not too terrible.

Monday, August 24, 2015


I was testing out my little Canon SX700, and took this from my porch.  It is about a 10 or 12 foot from me.  The photo is not cropped at all.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Illinois Drive-bys....

I just totally forgot it was Sunday and time for the Barn I am going ahead with a second post...
I cropped this some, still could not get all the 'car' out of the corner there.
They were burning a pile of brush out behind this barn...
I felt like saying peek-a-boo when I saw this barn.

Linking to:

The Barn Collective

The last of the sunflowers...

This will be my last sunflower to is only about 3 feet tall.  The bloom will be very small...
This one is  eye-level now.  Probably 6-8 inches across.  I am sure the birds will devour it shortly.
I had to zoom in just a bit for the fun of it.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Hyacinth bean blooming

They just simply fascinate me...and I spend a lot of time trying to capture their beauty.
This one is heavily cropped...
I can't leave out the before flower opens shot....

Friday, August 21, 2015

From the weedpatch

I don't know what this is, but I like it.  It was in among a patch of weeds.  Do you see the visitor?

Thursday, August 20, 2015

From the sparrow bush...

Was sitting at my computer and happened to glance out the window.  My lilac bush had several sparrows in it...I have never seen so many in it during the summer.  In the winter it is where they wait to get their turn at the feeders.
Thesea re all the same sparrow, and the shots have been cropped a bit.
I hope you like them.  For once I was quite happy with the autofocus.

 I am linking to Anni:

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


When I was taking photos of butterflies a few days back, I could not resist this vine growing up the fence...
Then at the dam at Bridgeton...the parking lot had all these flowers...I thought they were perfect with the fence behind them.
I thought someone was smart to think of this..
but this was the real stroke of genius....

A big thank-you to Theresa for hosting this meme!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Sunshine...I mean sunflower....

I have a couple sunflowers blooming...they are like looking at sunshine.

Monday, August 17, 2015

I am posting three photos from August 13th...
that is the same day I captured the Monarch...
hope you like them as much as I did.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Reaching back for Tennessee barns again...

Once again for the Barn Collective I am going back to April 26, 2011.  I am pretty sure I have shown one or two of these in the past.  But maybe they will be new to most people that view them.
This is not a barn, but more like a corn crib...but I am sticking it in anyway because I love the rusty roof, the weathered wood, and the stone foundation.
This one has had an addition.  I wish I could have seen it before...
And another barn that has had additions at one time or another.

Linking to:
The Barn Collective

Friday, August 14, 2015

Thursday, August 13, 2015


Just a few shots of a monarch butterfly.
This is the only one I photographed....
but I did see several others.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Good fences from the archives

First a couple from September of 2008....I don't think I have ever shown this one before.  But I would not swear to it.
 This last one was for sure through the car window.  I am not sure where this was taken.  It might have been in Wisconsin or Illinois.

Next, how about a couple winter shots...
These were taken right here in Indiana, in Parke County.   Do they make you feel cooler looking at them?
Both taken in 2007.  You might need to expand the view to see the fences, but they are there.

Linking to Theresa's Good Fences here:

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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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