This was taken as we drove through the strip pit area about a week ago...on our 39th anniversary in fact.
While that is the trellis in the background, we made it with fencing. This was taken today...we are having a few late blooms. They are maybe a third as big as the early blooms.
Next is a step back in time to 2009.
It only has a few remains of a fence, but I still like the shot.
Thank-you Theresa for the link-up!
All three pictures are extraordinary!
Love the flower. :)
I feel like the remains of the fence one is the best picture. "Good" fences are in the eye of the beholder! This one definitely makes a GOOD picture!
Pretty shot of the dove and I love the clematis. Awesome barn shot! Happy Anniversary! Have a great day!
All three photos are great, Rose, especially the barn.
i like them all very much! thanks, rose!
3 super shots.. love that flower.
could that first picture be any more perfect?! you should write that dove a thank you letter!!! hehehehe
Wow, all three have their own charm, very pretty photos.
First off---Happy Anniversary!!!!
Our Clematis is still blooming magnificently but it is looking like August here in the gardens.
Sad in a way, but old, run down barns makes great photos.
First of all, happy 39th anniversary! We hit 45 this year...can't believe it. Do you feel like you have been married 39 years? Time just seems to fly by to me any more. I love all 3 of these photos. That barn is very lovely. You take the best barn shots.
All stunning shots!
Nice shot of the dove on the fencing.
Very pretty clematis. I like the color. - Happy Belated Anniversary.
Cool old barn and fence.
Love the red barn and that first shot.
A fine, varied post today. I like the blossom shot for its rich color and detail. Everyone must like dove pictures. The old barn is a good one to keep as a heritage item.
Love the dove....and the barn, but I must admit the beautiful color of the clematis blossom shines!!!
Good fences indeed and scenery.
All three are wonderful. Happy Anniversary!
my parents have a clematis similar to the coloring in your shot there. they are super cool. very pretty. ( :
Lovely photos! Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary! Sweet Mourning Dove on your fence post. Love that red flower. Can't go wrong with a barn pic!
Oh love the fence post shot and the barn. Hug B
What a handsome dove portrait!
All 3 shots are wonderful!
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