This last one was for sure through the car window. I am not sure where this was taken. It might have been in Wisconsin or Illinois.
Next, how about a couple winter shots...
These were taken right here in Indiana, in Parke County. Do they make you feel cooler looking at them?
Both taken in 2007. You might need to expand the view to see the fences, but they are there.
Linking to Theresa's Good Fences here:
I've been past the red barns... don't know if it's still there, but not too far along the road was a small Amish shop which sold some of the best raw milk cheeses. The Great Scot LOVED their jalapeno cheese!
a long time have past . Photos saves it all
Good morning, Rose, great collection of barns and fence scenes. My favorite are the last two photos. Have a happy day!
Yes, I don't mind seeing some snow on photos at any time of year. I just don't like having to travel when there's ice and snow on the ground. I really like the red barn against the snow; a lovely contrast.
Oo! I felt a sudden chill come over me as I saw those last couple of photos. :-)
Great barn and fencing post! The last photo makes me think of Christmas, I guess because all the Christmas cards usually have snow.
the two things not in my archives are barns and fences... and i love all of yours
thanks for the cool-off and the nice red farmyard which does remind me of wisconsin. :) liked the roof slope and textures in the first barn, too.
Nice assortment of barns and fences. The snow reminds me of the winter I had to spend in NE Illinois a couple of years ago. I definitely plan to stay in south Florida this year!
It's interesting to see some solid board fences. Nice series including the winter scenes. The cold scenes are enjoyable when today's temperature is supposed to hit a 100.
Oh my they are all beautiful. Don't we all love barns and the scenes that go with them.
Nice variety of barns and fences.
Those are all wonderful shots! But I do love the roof line of the barn in the first shot and the lovely refreshing winter weather in the last two.
You sure take great country scenes. I like the 2nd barn/fence shot and that last snowy shot is so nice. I'm so not ready for winter though even though we've had a super hot summer here. I still prefer for winter to be a long way off.
Such a treat to see these beautiful barns and scenery. It is so nice to see what other parts of the country in the world looks like.
Love these Rose!
Lovely BArns, views and fences
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