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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Sunset SOTC

If I remember correctly, this is over in Illinois.  From a few years ago.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Coming to a garden in the future....

I like to add red bell pepper for the color but prefer them while they are still green.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Waiting for the green...

I am starting to get anxious for color to appear...until it does I will have to be satisfied with photos.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Saturday, February 22, 2020

A barn....

This almost looks like it could have been used for more than a barn.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Bald Eagle

What a beauty...first he was in one tree across the creek.  It was hard to get a shot through the bushes on my side.  He took off and was close enough I could hear the swoosh of his wings.

He flew down the creek just a short ways and lit in another tree.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Log cabin....

This is from Spring Mill St. Park in Indiana.  It is the Granny White House, built in Leesville, Indiana in 1824 and moved to Springmill in 1931.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Morning dew...

An old photo....if you expand the view, you can see the dew on the flower.

Monday, February 17, 2020

From a summer garden....

Doesn't a cucumber, fresh from the garden sound good?  Or would you rather have a tomato/

BTW, our furnace is fixed an running!    Isn't it funny how something like that will happen on the worst day it could happen on?  But I wonder how long it would have taken us to notice it if it would have been in the 40's as it was today.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Beautiful old home

This is over in Illinois...I think in Edgar Country.  It is a beauty.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

The color red....

This guy was willing to cooperate for a couple pics...taken Tuesday

The next photo is not that great, but just click and expand the view...or better yet, right click and open in a new tab....see how many cardinals you can count.

This is over across the street.  Keep in mind that I am not showing all of the tree.  Add to that, there is a big cottonwood over on that side of the street, and there were several up in it...I think I counted 9 males at one time.  The next photos are from the day the above was taken...Feb 7.

Edited to add:  I am not saying there were 9 males in this photo of the tree above ...just at one time I counted and there were 9 males.  They would swoop over here, stay for a few minutes, then swoop back over there.  Not all of them, but a lot of them.  And they would fly back.  Part of the time to that tree, and part of the some went up into the cottonwood.

I seldom see that many cardinals here at one time...

Now, how about a couple of the female...and then I will quit.

I did not see a single female get on the feeder while I was watching....

Friday, February 14, 2020


Out of all the birds under the feeder, this is the only one that was all fluffed up like it was cold!

On the positive side...I cannot believe how much better I feel.  I still have the cold, but just not so miserable.

On the negative side...our furnace/heat stopped putting out heat this morn.  It was 1ºF when we first discovered it, but went to 0º later.  They guy came this afternoon, and a motor was shot.  It will be Monday before they can get one in.  So in the mean time we brought in the electric space heaters from Roger's shop.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Midwest sunset....

I seldom get out to take sunset photos these days, but enjoy some from years ago.

FYI, Roger and I have a horrible cold.  I am not sure I am going to try to blog much till I get to feeling better.  I sure hope no one else gets it.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A flurry of wings....

A flurry of wings leaves this pair behind...

These two shots are of the same pair.

They were not the only ones left behind...just the only pair I tried to shoot.  The others were too far away.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020


First we have the Eurasion Collared Dove it to the Mourning Dove below.  You can see differences.

Also, do you notice the almost iridescent colors of purple and blue on the Mourning Dove.  On top of his head and neck.   I suppose it was the lighting, but I have never seen that before.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Country scene

This was seen along a country road...not even close to a house.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

A little country church...

A little country church, I think in Parke County, Indiana, but I am not positive.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

This says it all...

Just a bit of snow, and just cold enough to make it uncomfortable to be out without a jacket.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

No. 11

Old #11 was hugngry and having a snack on this rather chilly, snowy day.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The mama and the papa....

I always throw a couple cups of seeds on the ground for the squirrels and also some of the other birds prefer to eat there.  I don't know why these Cardinals were not up on the feeder...there was nothing else on them.

The house sparrow was there with them...

Linking this with My Corner of the World...

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Church windows

These windows are from a church in Terre Haute, or used to be a church.  When these were taken it was not in use.  I would like to find it again to see if anything has been done to preserve it.  It had been a beautiful church at one time.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Better side

Wondering which is its better side...

Or is straight-on even better?

Sunday, February 2, 2020


I have only saw these birds a couple times in my life.  I don't recall for sure, but this might be two different birds.   The photos were taken 20 seconds apart...and they were constantly moving.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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