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Monday, May 30, 2011

From somewhere on the road....

These were taken 2 or 3 years ago...they are all drive-by shots.
I love the cupolas of the first and last barn...and I love the weathered boards of the one above.
This last one is so interesting to me...I would love to be able to see the interior. I cannot help but wonder about the placement of the doors and windows.

I thought I would enter these for Tricia's Barn Charm meme...hope to see you there.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011

What do you want???

I don't know whether it is all the westerns I have read, or what, but I love finding long-horned cattle. They fascinate me. This one did not seem unfriendly...she just seemed to look at me as if she wondered what I was doing.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A Quilt Barn from Tennessee

This is another quilt barn from Tennessee. I hit the jackpot when we went on that drive. I had been on the road just 4 years ago and I don't remember seeing any of them, so they must be a new thing for there. Then again, my memory is not all that it used to be so who knows?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hanging on to a hillside

A couple of different barns for Barn Charm....both on a hillside...both taken while we paused in our drive. Both are in Tennessee.

The top one is small and might have been a crib or some other outbuilding. But the one below is fairly big.
These were about the only options for shots with the terrain around the barns. I sort of like the last one anyway, but wish I could have gotten a better view of it.

If you have a barn to share with us, or just want to see more, please join Tricia's Barn Charm usually opens around 7:00ish. I am posting now because we are having storms and I might not get the chance otherwise. If you see this and it isn't linked...please tell Trisha or link it yourself and tell me till I don't do it a second time...

With weather the way it is in Indiana, the sun may be shining by the time the Linky tool is up.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Down a country road...

This is from my neck of the woods...just two or three miles from home!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

From Cumberland Gap, Tennessee

I have no idea of the history of this house/apartmment building. It always seems sort of out of place. As if it should be a big country estate. Instead, it is on a little street in the Gap...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A spring beauty....

There is nothing any cuter than a calf...I cannot help but smile in the spring when every where we go, we see new life emerging. Not just in plants, but all the other babies that start to arrive.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Quick glance Johnson County Courthouse in Franklin, Indiana

I only had a slight chance at a shot of this courthouse at all...Roger would have stopped but we still had 650 +/- a few miles left to go so did not want to stop on the way to Tennessee...then on the way back home, we just wanted to get home. However, I hope someday to go back there for lots of pictures. It was a beauty....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Weathered Tennessee barn for Barn Charm...

I think there is a strange contrast with between the weathered barn and the spring green of things when these were taken.
I liked the different door that was on this...or half on anyway. It looks as if this has been painted at one time...
but the back side does not appear to have ever been touched with a paint brush. This makes me wonder was it built with used materials.

So there you have my entry for Tricia's Barn Charm meme....hope to see you there.

If you see this and it is not listed on the meme, please feel free to notify me...I get it ready ahead of time and sometimes almost forget that it is Monday.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Excuse the clutter!

How would you like this to be your funeral home? Maybe an unpleasant thought, but isn't it a beauty? This is a drive-by shot if you haven't guessed...traffic was bad and I was lucky to get even this.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Two views of the same subject...

I did not know which of these views I liked best, so just posting both of them. I do like it in B&W best....
It was near an abandoned house...but the house had a big satellite dish in the back yard. I had to get at this angle to cut it out of the picture.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Town Hall

Even the Cumberland Gap Town Hall has a quilt block....for some reason of all the quilt buildings I took, for the most part I cannot name the quilt blocks used. Some of them, such as this one, really look familiar but I cannot think for the life of me its name. If you know any of them, please feel free to tell me in your comment.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

From the Gap

There is a bicycle museum in Cumberland Gap...and if I remember correctly it was run on donations. We were not in the mood to go in it on this visit, but maybe next time. A couple of guys there told us it was a good one.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Welcome sign....

Sometimes I am one of the happy folk, and some of the times I am the grouch...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Red barns for Barn Charm....

These barns were taken on our drive April 26, while in Tennessee...
The top one was a drive by, the bottom two I think we actually paused and I took them.
I really like this last one best...feel like I can lean on that fence almost.

I am posting these with the plans of linking them to Tricia's Barn Charm meme. If you have a barn, please link yours, too.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Birds of a feather

This pair of doves sat quietly while I took their did not seem to scare them at all. I think they are such gentle looking creatures....

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Just think of the person/family that built this house...just what would they think if they could see it now. I bet it was a real beauty in its it seems no one loves it or gives it a thought.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Look closely....

We took one good drive while in Tennessee....we went on back roads that were barely wide enough for one car to drive. We passed this and I am saying...stop, stop....back up....I had to have a picture of this. You would not believe how far off the beaten path we were.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I think there is part of this missing....but I like the texture of the wood. It gives a feeling of timelessness.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Light at the end of the tunnel

There is a light at the end of the tunnel...but you cannot see it until you walk a ways back in it. This goes through the mountain....and I have walked through it. You don't have to walk too terrible far to see the light at the other end, but it is a long ways through the tunnel.

Monday, May 2, 2011

From Little Valley Rd for Barn Charm

With our little trip to Tennessee, I got a good supply of new barns. Some will be used for this meme, while others I will just scatter along through the posts. This barn was on a road called Little Valley Rd. in Tennessee.
It looks to have had some serious use in its time...and is probably still used. As you can see the doors are out of kilter...
but the barn as a whole does not look too bad.

This is my entry for Tricia's Barn Charm meme...please join in with a barn of your own.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A clematis....

This was growing near the old mill in Cumberland Gap. I thought it was just gorgeous.
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