With our little trip to Tennessee, I got a good supply of new barns. Some will be used for this meme, while others I will just scatter along through the posts. This barn was on a road called Little Valley Rd. in Tennessee.

It looks to have had some serious use in its time...and is probably still used. As you can see the doors are out of kilter...

but the barn as a whole does not look too bad.
This is my entry for Tricia's Barn Charm meme...please join in with a barn of your own.
This one would go well for a Ruby Tuesday post too! :)
It doesn't look too bad...On our trip to Texas I too got a few more barns to post...Only, barns are not in short supply here in Wisconsin.
Looks like its had a new coat of paint recently, Rose. I suppose the doors will get repaired when they fall off -- no sense in rushing things! ;)
Great photos.
Awww, it looks like it has such character and truly in need of some TLC...I picture the person; an older gentleman who owns it to be stooped over, walking slow toward the door with his hat over his eyes and bib overall...he's proud of his accomplishments and doesn't notice the barn gone awry!
I like the deep red paint. Looks like the owner tried to take care the barn, which is great. Thanks for sharing!
Barn Charm
Yes...a metal fencepost will serve as a 'latch' for the doors! ;-) Great image!
Looks like those doors have been opened a few too many times! I love the close-ups. Great images!
Wonderful barn doors, Rose. I love how they are out of kilter and made me smile/
After seeing the whole barn..it doesnt look in too bad of shape. Love the doors and deep red color!
It could use a lot of TLC, but it does appear functional at any rate. Nice shots, Rose!
Ohhh the stories that old barn looks like it could tell... I'd love to sit & listen to them... if only! =)
Thank you, Rose
I love to take those doors and nail them up in my house, maybe as a head board for my bed! They would make sweet dreams.
Thank you for helping me keep everyone reminded to link up to Barn Charm... thank you thank you!!! =)
A fine looking barn for Barn Charm. I like the quality of the red paint on these doors. The barn as a whole looks pretty substantial. Nice post.
What a lovely Barn Charm posting! Those barn doors don't hang straight anymore - part of the history and charm!
It's a great old barn! I love the door shot.
This one just has sweetness and charm written all over it!
To me, this barn looks to be in pretty good condition. Even the paint job has held up pretty well. Like the style of this one. Not too big, but not too little, either. Just the right size. It does look to be pretty long. Nice shots.
Some barns seem so sad to me. This is one of them. It has held up well and done its job.
I was too late to link to my barn picture, but it can be seen at my blog.
Rose, thanks for popping by my blog. Yes, that barn does sit in an orchard. That area of Hood River is mostly commercial fruit orchards (and wineries).
Some of those old doors are so falling apart, you wonder how they still work. Great shots!
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