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Monday, February 27, 2017

Illinois-Indiana barn show....

First I want to update that Roger is feeling lots better...I wrote more details here at my other blog....we still don't know what was wrong.  But he is feeling more normal once again.  Sure had a few rough days.  It was not the flu, though.

For now I will continue with my barns from detour we took on the way home from Paris, Illinois.

I have photographed a barn similar to this, but don't think I have seen this particular barn before.

Another one I don't ever remember seeing.

Who can resist a fence leading to a barn!

I think this barn is still in use...

I have photographed and shown this barn before but it has been a few years ago.

I have photographed this barn several is out close to where Roger used to hunt.

I will be linking to Tom's Barn Collective.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Move over winter....

Spring is on the way!

Roger is not feeling very good at all...I do not know what is going on.  This started Tuesday night.  My commenting might be hit and miss for a while. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I spy in the sky...

As we were heading out of town, I spied this guy/gal in the sky.  I quick found an empty lot to park on, and stopped the car, got out and propped my hands on the open door to try to zoom in and snag a couple shots.
The first shot is cropped,  the second uncropped.  Any day we see a Bald Eagle is a good day!

I am going to try linking to I'd Rather B Birding with this...hopefully I will get to visit a few of the blogs.  Sometimes time slips away and it takes me days to get visiting done.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Slow ride....

A capture from 2013 in Parke Country, Indiana...I always wonder how safe the Amish feel with the traffic flying by. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Daughter's treasure....

This is not my photo...daughter sent it to me after she got home with them.  I had tried to take one in the shop they were in but too many reflections in the window.   She has been looking at them for a couple years...but we didn't get them cause they would have been a pain to ship.  And we would have had to ship them.  Do you see the dogwood design?  I had not noticed in the shop, and I don't think she had either.  That makes me like them all the more.

This was at the same store...if I was in the market for a treasure, I might have come home with this.  But since I am trying to declutter, I came home without it.

I will be linking to Tuesday's Treasures...

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Time for some barns!

How about some barns from the spring of 2016....from over around Arthur, Illinois....

I zoomed in a little bit for this.

And here is the second barn I am featuring..

It has those little bitty windows up top...always wonder about them.  I suppose they are for light, but they just seem so small and so high up.

Just had to zoom in for this...

Linking to The Barn Collective!

Friday, February 17, 2017

White-fronted geese....

 These white-fronted geese were in the pasture with yesterday's cow.

When we first paused there, many were sleeping...many just sitting with their head buried in their back along the bank of this one pond.

This was one of the best times I ever got to view them...then suddenly

Every single one took off in flight and did not return.

We wondered what happened and looked around...a juvenile Bald Eagle was passing through.   I could not get zoomed in on him to get a photograph.  It made me wonder do eagles actually catch geese?  I assume they do but have never seen it happen. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Heavy with child...

We passed her yesterday...I do think it won't be too long before there is a new kid on the block, or rather in the pasture.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Who loves you pretty baby

Now showing at the local Rural King....

Tuesday's Treasures...

I have been trying to find a photo suitable for Tuesday's Treasures since yesterday and just now found this one.  Each thing in this photo would probably be someone's idea of a treasure.    I can even pick out a thing or two I like myself.  Do you see anything that catches your eye?

Linking to Tuesday's Treasures....

Monday, February 13, 2017


I have posted a picture of this before...when it was newer.  However I have not tried to locate it yet.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

My model....

Almost any time we go to Paris, Illinois, we will see this hawk along this one stretch of fencing...I assume it is the same one.  Or maybe there is a pair of them.  I stopped a little too close to him and only got this one shot. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Barns on Sunday...

This photo was taken looking can see a version of it here that is taken from the east looking west.
I was on the road that ran past it when I took these.    I have other photos but not going to take the time to hunt them.  It is slowly going downhill.  I wonder how much longer it will be there.
I could only grab a quick shot from this angle.  I like the fencing, too.
Another barn, or maybe I should call it an equipment shed.  Taken at a bit of a distance....

Linking these to Tom's Barn Collective.

Friday, February 10, 2017

From last summer...

I don't know why I haven't shown this guy...he was from late summer/early fall.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

From the fall....

If these old trees were closer to the road I would have gotten a close up shot.    There is a group of dead trees and several of them looked like this.


You can click to enlarge.  I have posted this before...but every time I see it I get tickled.  My brother says he hunts this photo every now and then  and laughs about it.  This is not photo-shopped...other than I cropped it and I resized the photo.  I did not know I had captured the upside down goose till I downloaded the photos.

I don't know what was wrong...they would come in to land on this little strip pit, and about the time they would start to land it was like they hit the brakes something startled them or scared them, they would pull up and would then circle back around and start to land again, only to do the same thing again.   I don't remember how many times they did this. Finally they just regrouped and flew off...maybe they weren't used to landing on water.  I would think if something scared them they would not have tried landing again and again.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

an oldie

We ran across this flag several years ago...before I ever got a digital camera.  In 1997.  As you can tell it had been there a while even then.  It has been a good while since we have been that way...I wonder if you can still see any hint of it.  I should save it for the 4th of July since apparently that was what it was for to begin with.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A blast from the past

I always love this picture when I run into it, taken in 2008.  Definitely had a blast of cold air going on.

We are supposed to have temps in the 60's today, then it is to turn cold in the next day or so and chance of snow.   We just had thunder and lightning and rain pouring down.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

All the little seeds...

Not the greatest lighting, but still, you can see all the little seeds.  This is one of many that was on my hibiscus. 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Friday's Barns for Sunday's Barn Collective....

I thought I had seen ever barn in the nearby areas but I don't remember seeing this one...
A zoomed out view...
This is up closer to the road at the same place.
This is the original...which view do you like best?  I really like to see both versions of places.

I have a couple other barns but will save them for another time...
IF I can remember, I want to link to The Barn Collective tomorrow.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The color pink....

Just a bit more color for eyes tired of dark, dreary weather...

I would have loved for Lorelei to see all the flowers.


Not the greatest shot, but for some reason I like it.  Look here over at my other blog to get a bigger picture.

I am featuring orange/yellow orange today.

I don't know if it is shots of the above are the same flowers or different flowers.

What color would you call this...yellow tipped with orange?
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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