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Monday, April 30, 2012

Barn Charm time!

For this week's barn charm, I am showing a duke's mixture...but they are all from my little drive last week.
These first two shots of the same barn are one I have never seen before...think I was on a totally new to me road...
Then the barn below, I have a shot of from a different season and I was approaching from a different direction...
and the barn below, is one new to me. I really don't remember ever seeing it before...
it is a big barn...looks like a lot of square feet under that roof.
What caught my eye is the real small door hanging open right behind that those things that make me wonder why there and why that size?

Join me at Tricia's Barn Charm.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Wild geranium?

I think this is wild geranium...if I am wrong, please feel free to correct me. Or if you know it by a different name, please leave it in a comment. So, everyone read the comments, because this is not something I am familiar with this flower and I may not get to be on here much the next day or two.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Same scene, different season

I was by Rock Run yesterday...remember the scene above? I showed it a couple weeks ago only the photo was taken in the fall. I took this, not really thinking I would use it but then took a photo of the 'lock' on the gate...take a close look at the lock.
It really isn't locked...

I will either try to find some of my old pics from what is down the way or else, go take some new ones one of these days. It is one of my favorite places in Indiana. Cattle usually run in here...but never their horses.

This is my post for Friday's fences.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Zacke Cox Bridge

This is just one of many covered bridges in Parke County. I have lived here longer than I want say and have not seen them all.

This one looks like it could use some TLC.....but I hardly notice that because all I see is the reflective quality of the water.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Your guess is as good as mine

I have no idea what this was used is as short as it looks. The top of the peak was not much taller than me and I am just 5'3" tall. The sign was so prominent that I did not step over to investigate at all, but could see what looked like empty vegetable cans laying at the far end. They were rusty of course and could have been something else...

Monday, April 23, 2012

One barn, several views for Barn Charm

It has been a while since I took these photos....I kept meaning to post it but don't think I ever least not for barn charm. But don't think I have at any time.

I love the placement of the windows in the loft area, but still wonder why they were placed like this.

It was a fairly big barn...

but I so wish I could have went inside...

Barn Charm


I could not choose just one, so showing two views here and will show another one or two on my Pics & Pieces blog.
I love wisteria!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The above is a house we passed a few weeks ago...I wish I knew reason why it was allowed to fall into such sad shape.
For those interested in the Questionmark butterfly in my last post, if you will read the comments, Mary tells how to tell that it is a Questionmark.   Either last year or the year before, we went through this same thing and I had totally forgotten how to tell.  And had forgotten all about the Comma butterfly till Theresa of the Run A Round Ranch mentioned it.....

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I was surprised the other day to see several different butterflies...this one was one of the best shots I got.  I think it is a Questionmark....someone please correct me if I am wrong.  Isn't it gorgeous?

Thursday, April 19, 2012

One from the archives and one from this week...for Friday's Fences

I have been looking and looking for one certain doing that I have been running across photos to use for Friday's Fences....the above is old....not sure how old. I did not pay attention to that.
And this one above was taken day before yesterday. This photo does not do the goldfinch justice. It almost glowed it was so bright.

Join the fun at Jan's Friday's Fences!


I was really attracted to capturing the bottom two photos....and after photographing them, I figured I might as well shoot the first stage.
They are from some kind of hickory tree, but I don't know what kind.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Six-spotted tiger beetle

I saw this fellow today...I did not know what it was at the time. When I first looked at the photo and seen the white spots on its body, I thought that something had happened to 'tear off' part of the color....but when I googled 'emerald green insect' it led me to finding out that this is the way it is supposed to look.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Still digging...for Barn Charm

I am not sure if I have ever published either of these...if I have it has been long ago. I don't have a clue to where I was when they were taken.
Hope to see you at Barn Charm.

The miracle of evening light...

In evening light, even this shot is sort of appealing to me. It is just across the state line in Illinois.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mooooving along....

This is an old, old photo...I have used it before. Thought I might as well run it again.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Friday's fences....

I have been meaning to post the above photo for a while now...but every time I started to look for it I detoured. This is the an area of Parke County....we used to take the girls here to play. There used to be a rope swing, on down past that bend. And the owners have a place back there that they come and camp and have campfires....there is a little creek that runs through off to the right side.
While looking for the top photo, I came across this...wouldn't you love to have a cucumber fresh from the garden?????

Friday's Fences

Another Tennessee barn...

Still going through the archives...maybe someday I will be able to get out and get some newer photos. Still, I like this the fresh green everywhere.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

An oldie but least for me

I have been looking through my photos...I start out looking for a particular photo--not even to use for blogging....and I always find others that get me totally sidetracked till I forget what the original search was for. This one I just love...I even like it in just this size, but click on it for a larger version. Hope you like it even half as much as I do.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Two from Tennessee for Barn Charm....

Having to dig through the archives for photos to post...
I don't think these have been posted before...if I did I forgot to label them. I am linking to Tricia's Barn Charm meme.Link

More from a year ago...

Another from Tennessee..I wonder if we can find this the next time we go sure beckons me back again.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Another Tennessee shot...

Down a little road in Tennesee...this road is not as bad as some...some are barely wide enough for one vehicle. One can generally find a wide spot to pull off and wait if meeting another car.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday's Fences

Just a couple of shots for Friday's fences...I think this top one is one I have never posted...
while the one below I have posted before, but maybe not for Friday's fences. I like it so I am posting it again either way.
If you want to join the fun, check out the Friday's Fences Meme....

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Looking through some photographs....

Looking through the archives, I came across this one taken in April of last year, in Tennessee. Since I have not been out and about, I am having to resort to digging through old photos for something to post. I really wish I was down there now...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Google Earth anyone?

Do you ever put your photos on google earth? I am VERY slowly adding a few. I put this one on and plan to put a few more on along. I enjoy looking at everyone else's so thought I would put a few of my own. I tend to like the ones of not so famous places....just shots of the countryside.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday's mixture...for Barn Charm

These are all from the last drive we took a few days ago...all south of Terre Haute, Indiana.
All were taken during the worst lighting possible.

I have played around a little bit with each one trying to improve them a little bit...

Didn't have a lot of success....

I don't think I had to try to do anything to the one above, but it is the only one.

Anyway, I know quantity does not make up for quality, but maybe it will help a little bit.

If you have the time check out Tricia's Barn Charm meme...
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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