I was by Rock Run yesterday...remember the scene above? I showed it a couple weeks ago only the photo was taken in the fall. I took this, not really thinking I would use it but then took a photo of the 'lock' on the gate...take a close look at the lock.

It really isn't locked...
I will either try to find some of my old pics from what is down the way or else, go take some new ones one of these days. It is one of my favorite places in Indiana. Cattle usually run in here...but never their horses.
This is my post for
Friday's fences.
ha ha! an S hook. :)
I saw right away that the chain on the lock is open, duh!! I want to walk down this path, and even more so now that I have read what you have to say. So I eagerly await your next post on it.
Beautiful area... and funny about the lock that has no function!
How funny! I guess they lost the key!
Now that's a lock I wouldn't lose the key for. lol
such a fan of the 1st shot. love it!! (:
Pretty area. Funny about the lock. Maybe it's an invitation to explore further.
Very scenic country shot! The mystery of the Lock...keeps you guessing!
Love that lock! Perhaps someone lost the key. It does look locked from a distance, though, so perhaps that helps. :)
a path i would take and love it and odd about the lock.
LOL. Not really locked maybe but I probably wouldn't have noticed. Nice fences. Happy Friday!
A fine shot of this place that always has appeal. The open chain adds bit of humor to the fence shot Maybe people will think it's locked! DUH.
Mmm. I'd love to wander down that path.
Just as lovely as the fall photo!! Yes, we all want to know what's beyond the bend in the road!
Shots of the detail are always nice!
Lovely captures. The unlocked gate is a sign from the steward of this land that he would not mind your trespassing as long as you take only photos and leave only footprints.
A beautiful scene!
perhaps they are only slightly cautious...i love the rust and texture!!
Phots of the same spot at different seasons are neat
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