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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Fenced in....

In looking through my pics a bit back I ran across a certain pic that makes me fact I ran across it a couple times.  Didn't think a thing about it.  Then it dawned on me there was a fence in it.  I wanted it for Tex's Good Fences...

I have literally spent hours and hours trying to find it again.  I cannot remember if I took it after I got my digital cameras or if it is a scanned pic.   Anyway, in looking for it, I ran across these.  Some I have published before, but still thought they would make a nice grouping for Good Fences.
 These are horses at an Amish farm...I think over near Arthur, Illinois
Another from Amish country...
I don't remember where we saw this little guy..  I think in Parke County.
Now this is a scanned you see the pig behind the fence.  I am not even sure the barn is there any more.  For several years there were weeds so tall you could hardly see the barn.

This is going to be my last post for a while.  Our granddaughter will be coming this weekend and I have things to do to get ready.  I will be visiting some and maybe even posting occasionally.  She has a two week spring break, so hoping I can get some good pics of her.  I haven't taken any in ages.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

This old house...

Another run down house...from the archives.  I like the sky behind it...even in B&W.

Monday, March 16, 2015


We saw this piece of machinery a few years ago, and I have never forgotten it.  So when we went up to Jasper-Pulaski Wildlife place today, we hunted it up again.
We have no idea what this was...we think maybe something to do with strip mining.
We are not sure of that.  We just know if you got hurt while using or working on this thing, you would be seriously hurt.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Parke County barns for the Barn Collective

The first barn I am showing no longer exists....
And you want to know what is sad?  Even though I always loved this barn, and I know which road it was on, I can not show you the exact spot where it was located.
I think it must have been a fine barn in its day.

The next one is really small...I don't even know if some of you would call it a barn, but I think that is its purpose.
I doubt if it is over 35-45 feet long, if even that.  But I love the shadow of the trees on it.
I have ran across this one years ago, and though I know it is in Parke County, I have never run across it again.  I wonder it is is still standing, if you will notice, there is a 2 x 4 propping up the back end.

These have all been posted at some other time, I just thought they make a nice collection  Amy's Barn Collective.  I hope if you have a barn that you will link to the meme.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Reminds me of a monkey wrench

Every time I see this, it reminds me of a monkey wrench at first glance, and with that thought comes the song Monkey Wrench by the Foo Fighters and it is not even a well liked song.  But it pops into my head.

Another autumn leftover...

I posted another picture of another one of these 'flowers' here.  This was not turned to sepia...these are the natural colors.  Taken along Big Raccoon Creek in Parke County. 

(Just got back from Lorelei's...she had a 24 hour bug...but seemed well today...but had been up most of Tuesday night.)  Anyway, will try to catch up with everyone in the next day or two.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


I saw this and thought what a great picture it would make...remember you can click to expand the view.
I changed it to B&W...but I think I like the color version best.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Flying low along the shoreline....

He had just caught a small fish at the edge, Roger stopped for me to take a photo.  Before I could get out of the Rav he had swallowed and was taking off...the above is the second shot I took.  (The first was totally blurry.)
And this was the last shot...

The title is a line from a song...does anyone know what song that is without googling it?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Barns of February 2015

It is time to join Amy's Barn Collective meme!  I am so thankful she took on the task of having the barn meme. 
None of these are real beauties, though they do pull at the heartstrings.
And at least these photos are a sort of record that they exist.

Question for everyone....have you ever wondered what will happen to all your photos when you die?  I often wonder about mine.  I don't print them...I know I enjoy them more in digital form than if they were printed.  I always think no one would care two cents about most of the ones I have taken. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

From Rensselaer, Indiana

This was taken March 8, is St. Joseph's Chapel.  We were on our way to Jasper Pulaski to see the Sandhill Cranes.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Another repeat...

I have had this picked out to re-post for a while now.  While scanning through things I had ready to post, I came to it and thought tonight's the night.

(We just got home from Lorelei's house...we went over Tuesday to be there to stay with her.  She has been sick but really seemed a lot better today.  So we came on home.  Will catch up with everyone in the next day or so.)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hi there!

Found this shot while going through the archives...I am pretty sure I posted it once upon a time, but just couldn't resist showing it again.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How about a little rust...

The other day when I walked down to the railroad I took the opportunity to capture this....

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015


Happiness is seeing this and being thankful to have a washer and dryer.  (But at the same time I am a little sad cause I love it when the weather is fair and I can hang my clothes outside.)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

A Barn Collective from the road....

We took a weekend road trip a few years back and on the way home we came through Wisconsin...
I have been looking through my photos...finding all kinds of barns I have not posted.
These are taken while traveling down the highways....
Some of them you cannot tell...
Others have a reflection that you can see.  But I tend to not use those in my blog.

If you have barns in your posts, won't you please join Amy's Barn Collective meme?

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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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