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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thorn tree....

These trees were all over the place...I bumped into one a little bit and you would not believe how sore the two places got where it poked into me.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Another tree...

I could not get a good shot of this sycamore tree...we found it at the new DNR property we found a week or two ago. If you could see this tree in person your first impression would be that it is massive. If I were standing back far enough to get it all in the photo, there were too many other trees in front of it till the trunk could not be seen. I even had a hard time finding this view of it. I thought I would show it anyway. I used to not like sycamore trees at all, and am not sure when it happened, but I just love them now.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wide range for Friday's Fences....

First, a shot of a fence post. You can see my Barn Charm entry in the background....I love these old concrete fence posts. They have a feel of permanence about know whoever once owned the place, planned on being there a while.

How about a little change of is the schoolhouse from Billie Creek village. This shot was taken in 1995...
and here you have probably my favorite....

it is not a great photograph technically but I think it wins in mood. I ran to the strip pits late last there just before the sun went down...I happened to look in my rear view mirror and saw the electric fence lines reflecting the last of the sun's rays. I stopped and hopped out and shot a couple shots. This is straight towards the sun....

This is my entry to Jan's Friday's Fences...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Today the inside

Just thought I would show two or three images from the inside of the building I posted in my last post. How would you like for electrical wires to still be run on insulators like the above.
I did not have the nerve to even step on the steps....
Weathered wood everywhere you looked...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


This was on the property that the barn I posted yesterday was on...I will post a few more pictures of it in the days to come. We aren't sure but think it was a shop at one time.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Barn charm...

Last week on our little drive, since we were in Terre Haute, we drove on south. And though we didn't think it far to the Wabash river, we also took a turn and went west.
Much to our surprise, we found a new to us DNR property....Fairbanks Landing. This barn was at one of the sites. I just had to stop and take a few shots. As usual it was the middle of the day with bright sunlight.

It is well on the way to falling down.

But can't you just imagine it as the center of a big farm....

How I would love to know who built it, what all it was used for, how long it has been standing. The stories it could tell are endless. I have other shots of a couple other buildings that I will show in later posts.

This is my weekly entry to Tricia's Barn Charm meme.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Old Men in the Tree

I think I have posted a photo similar to the top photo before, but always before when I have photographed it, it has been in poorer lighting. So the other day when I was leaving Green Valley where I went fishing, I paused to take a new photo.
I don't know how many times we have passed this--I would say at the least a 15-20 times...keep in mind there is more than one way we go when we head home.

Anyway, one day I happened to glance back as we passed on by, and I saw that there was more than one old man in the tree.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Three for Thursday....

First for Friday's Fences, I ran across this old shot and thought it would make a good entry....
then day before yesterday we went for a little drive and found property belonging to the DNR, and went for a walk back through the woods. This fence that is falling down was back in there.
And this was just a drive by shot in our ramble...through the front windshield so not the best quality. If you want to join the fun, check out the Friday's Fences meme.

Like the sun

Yesterday was the first chance I have had to photograph forsythia in a is like looking a sunshine.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Little Bit

I showed Bubbie the other day, so now I am showing you his sister. She is the one that races us to bed...and wants to sleep under the cover in between us. At least when it is colder weather, and ever every now and then other times.

Monday, March 19, 2012

In the early morning

Another repost...but I think they will be new to many of you. I always say this little barn is 'Knock your eyes out red.' The top photo was taken early in the a bit different from the bottom.
But both photos are un-altered except to resize. I hope you enjoy them.

To see more barn go see Tricia's Barn meme....

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Not the ordinary view

We took Lo to the playground yesterday and she just went from one thing to another. I have a lot of other shots I am going to post over at Pics & Pieces before the night is over, but I really liked this....and I liked it with the color removed.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tiptoe throught the tulips--err, I mean petals...

Taken a few years ago...before digital. This picture does not do the scene was a pink, pink world.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Old and older still....

The photo above was taken two or three years
And this one was taken in is almost painful to look at with the bright colors and the slightly blurred look.

Since I am still not getting out for any photo shoots other than a quick run through the strip pits, I am posting photos I have posted before, but most of you have not seen them.

I am linking to Friday's Fences...

From pre-digital days

This is an early morning rainbow, captured in 1994. I did not note if the slide was Velvia or not...that was my favorite slide film. I didn't always have it but it was definitely my film of chosen.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Remembrance of days past

An early summer rain was brewing here....taken out at the strip pit area in 2008.

Monday, March 12, 2012

For your Barn Charm viewing pleasure....

This is from a recent drive...I forgot all about using it the past week or two.

I happen to like the is probably my favorite thing about the picture above...

back when I first started blogging I had a blogger tell me how to get rid of lighting like this. So I suppose it is each to his own...

Go see Tricia's Barn Charm meme if you want to join or just see more barns.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Out in the country....

This little 'house' was out in the middle of nowhere...I don't know what it was at one time.

The inside made me wonder if it had been a little country bar or something.

Outstanding in its field.....

Just a tree all alone in the middle of a farm field. I can understand leaving them years ago, but I am surprised that they still leave them. Pleasantly surprised...they really add something to the landscape.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Almost missed it....

While out at the strip pits this evening, I was so intent on watching some Northern Harriers and
Short-eared owls, I almost totally missed the sun going down.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

More from the archives

It's time for Friday's Fences again, and again I am using from the archives. I just simply have not been out and about to get anything new.
The first one was color, but I converted it to B&W....
this one looks B&W but this is actually 'in color.'
I am a bit behind in blogging...had a couple things come up, then Sarah brought Lo down and left her and she spent the night the other night. In fact, she told her mom to go on home...and she did not want to go home yesterday but had to because we had an appointment we had to keep this morn.

I am going to spend the evening try to catch up with everyone....

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


A red-winged blackbird...taken at the strip pits this past month.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Remake in B&W

I was switching some of these to B&W to show my older daughter and quite liked how they turned out, so thought I would show one on here.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Barn Charm

This is a barn I have passed near many times and never really notice till a few days ago...

These are not really processed in any way other than to size down for publishing here and I think I hit the sharpen button. I like the color of this weathered wood and wonder why most barns have an overall bray appearance but some has this richer color.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

A little imagination....

It doesn't take much to imagine this as it once must have been. It is another one of those I would love to know about its other life. I bet a lot of living was done here, and a lot of parties....and don't you wonder how many kids grew up in that house. Is anyone left alive that ever lived there.

Friday, March 2, 2012

An oldie...

This is an old photo I ran across....I played with a little bit and really liked the effect. It has the feel of a warm late fall evening to me...or else early spring right before things start to get green. It is one I scanned in from either a slide of photo.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Something old and something new for Friday's fences...

I was looking for some photo the other night and came across this one, taken in 2008. I first thought for barn charm, but then didn't use it for that. I needed something for Friday's fences and it fits the bill.

This one was taken Tuesday, not the first time I have taken a photo of it and every time it is a horrible time of day...but I like the fence so just sticking it in here.

To see other fences or to leave the link for your very on fence, go check in at Life According to Jan and Jer.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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