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Monday, February 28, 2011

For your viewing pleasure....Barn Charm

I have shown these before, but it has been a couple thought I would repeat them for Barn Charm.
I thought you might enjoy a closer inspection of it...
these are not cropped versions of the original but actual photos in their own right.
This one is another that is not too far from me...I think it was only the second round barn I had ever seen.
It is not to far from Lodi, Indiana...I think in Parke County.

If you want to see more barns, or if you have any to share, please go to Tricia's Bluff Area Daily blog to join the meme. It opens between 6:00 and 7:00 CST.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another house where the trees standing surrounding it caught my eyes...the one above was taken just a week or two ago. The one below was taken in the fall of 2009.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Birdfeeders deluxe

Someone really likes to feed the birds....don't you wonder how much they spend a week on feed for the birds. I am sure this is a busy, busy feeding station....this house sits in a tiny, tiny spot of house out in the middle of nowhere. There are only a handful of houses there...and farmland surrounds the well as a train passes near. I am not sure if it is in Indiana or is very close to the border of the two states.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Rural Illinois

I am posting these two photos together, because I assume they belong to the same farm...I like the big trees standing tall above everything in the photo above. I have read journals of families traveling west and taking trees with them. Imagine how it felt to be on the lone prairie with no trees in sight. I would have felt sort of naked with no shade from trees....
I am not sure what you would call me it is a cross between a shed, a barn and a corn crib. The part on the left side I first thought was a corn crib, but on closer look, I wonder if it was hen house or something. But I have never noticed one with cracks in the walls, so maybe it was just a crib. But notice the openings around the bottom...and also notice the two doors just to the right of the crib part. Another case of wondering what they are for.

This 'barn' is just down in the field a little ways from the house and buildings in the photo up top...and it sets quite a ways from the road, and I cannot see a road leading to it but sure there is. There is a house behind those outbuildings in the top photo, and those are llamas in the pins.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jackson Bridge

I am not saying this is perfect....I think it would have been much better if we had had a brilliant blue sky. But we didn' no use whining about it. However, so far these are the best shots I have ever got of this bridge.
Usually, it is one of two things...either things are green and growing and blocking the view, or else it is snowing. To get the shots, I am looking across a is probably a bit more than looking diagonally across a city block. It is one of the few white covered bridges I have seen in our area. It is in Parke County, Indiana which has approximately 31 bridges...I don't know if that is before or after some were burned down.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Another drive-by, another tree standing sentinel.

This was just down the road from the yellow house...or rather just before it. Again it is another that the trees, especially the one in the foreground, that makes the photo for me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A couple drive-bys....

I have long wanted a half decent photo of this place...and there is no place to pull off to get one. And it is on a two lane highway that is too busy just to stop. Normally, I see it as we go south...but Sunday we were going north on the road and I finally got a couple captures that are half decent.
This place seems to be well loved...everything about it is just so clean and neat. And notice the windows up in the peak....I have never seen any like that. They look original to the house to me. I would love to know how old this farmhouse is...notice it does have an addition in the back.

It is just the perfect shade of yellow for me...I love yellow houses if they are the right shade. And I have notice that I love houses that have a huge tree standing guard over them.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Repeated for Barn Charm....

I have been strolling down memory lane by looking at old photos...and ran across these the other night. Just the feel of spring about them made them perfect in my mind for the Barn Charm meme.
I have posted them before on my other blog, Pics and Pieces....but still it was in the smaller size photo. I know a lot of people don't always click to enlarge pictures...simply because there is not always time. So, I wanted to repost them here.....
I hope you enjoy them even half as much as I enjoyed finding them...just look at the sunshine and imagine a fine spring day.

To see more barns, or to join if you have any to show, please check our Tricia's Bluff Area Daily Barn Charm meme....the meme/linky tool will open up sometime between 6:00 and 7:00 CST later today.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


I know this is sort of drab...but it is so lonely looking that it appeals to me. At one time, I bet it was a really nice house.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Just trees

This stand of trees caught my eye...they are over in Illinois in Edgar County.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

From Martinsville, Illinois

I really like the way rock was used on the exterior of this house...I like the way it is incorporated into the brick.
I hope to make it back by there when flowers are up just to see what all is growing. I bet it will look totally different. Like it has its clothes on or something.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And we have take-off!

The geese are really moving through area now...almost any time I am outside, I hear geese overhead. I thought I would run to the strip pits this evening...there were some there on a couple of the ponds, but these were taking off from a cornfield on over in Illinois.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A change of pace

I have been going back through the archives. It usually starts with me looking for a particular photo, but almost always leads to hours looking just for the fun. I ran across this one the other day, and immediately wished I was there. Everything about it appeals to me; not that it us such a great photo, but just the time of year, the creek, how still the water is. It is just a very peaceful and inviting scene to me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A drive-by for Barn Charm

This is a drive-by of a barn in Illinois that I pass a few times a year...there is not place to pull off to take a photo....not even a side road. So I have tried to capture it several different times and never do a very good job. I like this one best of the ones I have taken...I like have the man in the picture to give perspective to the size of things.

This is my entry for Tricia's Barn Charm Meme...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Not today....

Thank goodness, I think these days are about behind us. I bet the animals will be glad to see the last of the snow, too.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I hope you don't mind a repeat....I may not have posted it on here but I have on my other blog.
I haven't had a chance to go on a photo shoot so I am having to resort to the archives...I have no idea how many I have taken of this bridge. I end up taking photos of it at least two or three times a year, and sometimes more. It is the covered bridge at Bridgeton, Indiana on a cold, wintry day.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

From Cumberland Gap, Tennessee

This was taken a few years ago on a visit home...the lower right corner is washed out, but the picture still appeals to me. It is a scene that invites me to come in and sit a spell.

Monday, February 7, 2011

For Barn Charm....

Going through the archives the other night, I ran across these of one of the round barns near here.
At one time this barn was needing a new roof, and I was beginning to wonder if it was going to be let go till it fell to the ground. I was so happy to go back by and discover the new if I just had the courage to ask to see the inside!

This is my entry for Tricia's Barn Charm....I hope you will join us there.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

From somewhere in or near the Smokys....

This was taken in 2006....I don't remember just where we were, but wish I could just step into this scene and have time to turn over rocks and look for crawdads, and just in general explore the area. And I wish I had a truckload of rocks and boulders like these for my yard...I have always liked rocks and the older I get the more I like them.

Weekend Reflections...

I was rummaging through the archives and ran across these thoughts turned to the Weekend Reflections meme...
These were taken in 2008, at Fowler Park in Vigo County in Indiana.

I decided to join the meme, though I am running kind of late in doing it...if you want to see more weekend reflections or if you just want to join the meme, go to the Newtown Area Photo and sign in.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Haven't a clue how to title this..I just like it. It is the back of one of those old wire lawn chairs....

Friday, February 4, 2011


In the summer, I love hanging clothes on the line....but in the winter, I am just as happy not to have to contend with trying to hang them out on days such as the past few days.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Frozen in time

Just have to show this...I supposed everyone is tired of ice by now but I haven't been any place to take anything else.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A barn for a home....

When I first came across this place, I am not sure if it was being lived in or not...I think it might been. But it did not have the front porch, and it did not have the green. I have been looking for some pictures taken from an earlier time and have yet to find them.

There was a big Christmas tree in the upstairs window...and that is real quilt hanging beside the front door...and notice the cushions on the wicker piece.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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