I have long wanted a half decent photo of this place...and there is no place to pull off to get one. And it is on a two lane highway that is too busy just to stop. Normally, I see it as we go south...but Sunday we were going north on the road and I finally got a couple captures that are half decent.

This place seems to be well loved...everything about it is just so clean and neat. And notice the windows up in the peak....I have never seen any like that. They look original to the house to me. I would love to know how old this farmhouse is...notice it does have an addition in the back.
It is just the perfect shade of yellow for me...I love yellow houses if they are the right shade. And I have notice that I love houses that have a huge tree standing guard over them.
Beautiful scenes!
A very pretty and colorful place! The outbuildings are nice added hues to offset the yellow.
It is beautiful, but for some reason a brick farmhouse seems somewhat out-of-place...aren't most of them constructed of wood. Maybe this was built by some wealthy folks way back when?
Your shots, by the way, are more than half-decent; they are 100% decent.
A wonderful house. Looks like it could be or have been a schoolhouse. Is it occupied now? MB
A couple of very good drive-by shots. I too like this rich yellow color. Fine place... and great to see inside too, I bet.
The peak windows in this house are interesting -- and unique. I also like this house and I think you got some wonderful pictures.
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