I am posting these two photos together, because I assume they belong to the same farm...I like the big trees standing tall above everything in the photo above. I have read journals of families traveling west and taking trees with them. Imagine how it felt to be on the lone prairie with no trees in sight. I would have felt sort of naked with no shade from trees....

I am not sure what you would call this...to me it is a cross between a shed, a barn and a corn crib. The part on the left side I first thought was a corn crib, but on closer look, I wonder if it was hen house or something. But I have never noticed one with cracks in the walls, so maybe it was just a crib. But notice the openings around the bottom...and also notice the two doors just to the right of the crib part. Another case of wondering what they are for.
This 'barn' is just down in the field a little ways from the house and buildings in the photo up top...and it sets quite a ways from the road, and I cannot see a road leading to it but sure there is. There is a house behind those outbuildings in the top photo, and those are llamas in the pins.
That IS a very interesting building. I can't imagine the chickens (if it was indeed a coop) were very pleased about their airy space! And if it was a corn crib, why would you need animal doorways? Hmmm. The plot thickens.
Both of these buildings are very interesting. The top one appears to be an equipment storage in front, the bottom one has some mysterious qualities. The part with cracks suggests a corn crib so the air can circulate.
Nice post.
I've never seen a building quite like the mystery building in your second photo. It looks fairly old, so even the current owners may not know why it was built this way. But it sure would be interesting to find out.
Interesting building for sure. I would have said corn crib for the part on the left. My grandmother had one that was only a crib on one side, if I remember right. The door at the bottom...I don't know. I like the idea of taking trees with you where you move :-) I have certainly taken bushes, bulbs and flowers when moving. Our west the lack of trees depresses me. I do not care of a cactus landscape and dirt and scrub.
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