I have been strolling down memory lane by looking at old photos...and ran across these the other night. Just the feel of spring about them made them perfect in my mind for the Barn Charm meme.

I have posted them before on my other blog,
Pics and Pieces....but still it was in the smaller size photo. I know a lot of people don't always click to enlarge pictures...simply because there is not always time. So, I wanted to repost them here.....

I hope you enjoy them even half as much as I enjoyed finding them...just look at the sunshine and imagine a fine spring day.
To see more barns, or to join if you have any to show, please check our Tricia's Bluff Area Daily Barn Charm meme....the meme/linky tool will open up sometime between 6:00 and 7:00 CST later today.
I for one never get tired of seeing barn photos! This barn is so beautiful in that gorgeous GREEN grass. :)
Spring will soon be here. It is here in Ocala...grass is greening and plants are budding and the weather is nice and warm!
You did a great job photographing this lovely old barn...very typically a midwestern structure.
These are wonderful pictures for Spring. I really like this barn and your photos.
I like this barn, I wonder why they made the windows so small. Looks like a pretty spring day!
So beautiful. I love the color of the barn and the stone on the foundation. The green grass and buds of spring are wonderful :)
This is a wonderful barn, Rose. I'm glad you shared it again. I like the feeling of Spring in this, too.
Love these Rose. I don't remember seeing them so I'm glad you reposted.
I love the barns with the hill ramp up to the upper loft. Just like the barn on the farm where I spent my first 13 yrs in Wis. :)
great barn, Rose. I love barns too--in any condition--they just have stories to tell. Thanks for sharing again. MB
The sweet Spring green contrasted with the red of the barn makes for a gorgeous photograph! The baby leaves unfurling against the backdrop of the barn simply adds to the enjoyment.
A very appealing barn, especially with spring bursting out around it!
I always enjoy clicking to enlarge pictures. Picture size does have much to do with an image's impact and the way we feel about it. This is a fine barn. I like the weathered paint and the tiny windows. Nice one.
Thanks for stopping by Sall's Country Life Rose! this was my first entry at Barn Charm and just love seeing all the other great old barns. They do carry a lot of character with them!!
I love the spring like ambiance in this shot, I hope we can see some sunshine and green grass soon!!
I like this barn looks very well maintained the grass is mowed. And I like that ground bump in front. Thanks for the visit. Happy Tuesday!
Barn Charm
Ohhh Spring... can't wait! I definitely enjoyed seeing these shots... I love the red barn, the stonework, & the green grass sure is pretty & very spring like!!! Love that roof, too... worn, sure, but it fits the barn perfectly!!! =)
Thanks, Rose!
I love red barns, I think they are still my favorite.
That's a lovely ol' barn with deep red paint even if it's chipping away a little! It must have an interesting story!
Regards from EAGAN daily photo
The color is truly amazing! And it looks especially wonderful with all that surrounding green.
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