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Thursday, February 27, 2014


I always think ginseng is one of the prettiest turns the most beautiful gold in the fall and has red seeds that grow up from the middle.  I grew up hunting and digging I am happy if I get to be out and see it and maybe photograph it.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

In flight...

Would you fly in one of these if given the chance?  I am not sure if I would or not. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

White barn in summer

I have no idea when or where this pic was taken.Again, I wonder about the windows, especially the farthest one on the right. 

Sunrise on the Wabash

This one is an old one.  But every time I see it, I love the calm water and the reflections.

Monday, February 24, 2014

U-bolt cable clamp

This was on cables at one of the covered bridges...I am sure there are bigger ones, but have to say that this is bigger than I normally see.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Old barn

Anotherbarn  from Tennessee...taken in 2012. Look how the boards are starting to curl along the left side.  And look at the spots of fall color starting to appear all around.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Old building

I have had this resized and ready too long to admit to.  I am not even sure that it is still standing.  It was not too far from Bridgeton, Indiana.  (I am trying to get a post or two ready to publish since Tootie will be here later for the weekend.)

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Like looking at sunshine

Just had to post this bright, sunshiny photo.  It is from September of 2012.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Crabapple blossoms

Believe it or not, this is from OCTOBER of 2012!  Still, it is a reminder of spring.  Back to this being taken in October, when I worked at the orchard, I always ran across a few blooms while picking in the fall, so this is not that odd of an occurrence.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


At least when we have snow on the ground, I have opportunities galore to take photos of birds.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Barn from the hills of Tennessee

Look at all that green!  Some of us are wondering when we will ever see it again.  I know it will eventually come, but it just seems like such a long way off.

Remember what summer looks like?

This is from summer of was the photo yesterday.  In fact, they are both from the same stop.  Looking at this makes me recall the heat of summer...I was probably complaining of the heat then ;-)

Sunday, February 16, 2014


From the summer of 2012....looks real good to me now.  We got another inch of snow last night.  So anything bright and colorful looks wonderful.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Female Northern Cardinal

We had lots of feathered friends visit today since it snowed all day long.  We got at least 6 inches more snow.

Linked to I'd Rather B-birdin'

Thursday, February 13, 2014

A seed

As I passed by the picnic table the other day, I noticed this seed laying there.  Later I remembered and took my camera out to try to capture it.  I did not wear a jacket and should have...and should have at least got out my mono-pod.  Still, I think you will enjoy it.  Left click on it and chose to pen in new tab or new window to get the full view.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

An old barn

Ran across this this evening while I was gathering photos of Lorelei for something I put on my other blog.  We got above freezing today....won't be long till fields of sporting their springtime gold.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

From the archives

Taken at the strip pits in of my favorite shots of a hawk.  I don't know what kind it is...I am not good at identifying them.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Seed pod

A seed pod--Lorelei loves them....loves to watch the seeds fly through the air.

Friday, February 7, 2014

A bit of sunshine....

Just a little something to brighten your, we will have Lorelei to brighten ours!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Time for a chin-up

No matter how many time I see them hanging like this to eat it amazes me. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Take a picture, why don't you@

Actually, she is probably saying 'You better move fast or I'm out of here!'  Because just the slightest move and she is gone.

Look at the range of colors!

I was looking for specific photos, plus looking for something to post here.  I came across this and could  not believe the range of colors.  Please click and enlarge for full effect.  I may have posted it before but if I did, I forgot to label it.  (Just for the sake of started snowing around 1:00 p.m.--Tuesday--it is 1:19 a.m. Wednesday and it has not stopped snowing during that whole 12 hours.  And yes, I have got up and looked about every 20 minutes all evening long!)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Egg beaters

I don't think I have posted this.  This is from the flea market up at Veedersburg...during the Covered Bridge Festival.

Open door...

This is the barn at one of the Amish places in Parke County.  Notice the baby buggy in the open door of the barn. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Summer storm brewing

This was taken 4 years ago...just love it when the sky is like this.
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