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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Another from Russellville

Taken in midday light...not the best lighting.
Not sure whether I like the horizontal or veritical view best.  Which do you prefer? 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Barns from our drive...

This is not the greatest was a drive by, of course.  And I am shooting across in front of Roger.  Still, it is one of my better attempts for this barn.  It is not far from home, but no place to pull off and get a good picture.
This one is not real sharp, but still you can see the front of it.
This was a drive-by, too, but better than the other I think.  Only going about 50 and heading straight towards are just better if you are shooting in front of you instead of to the side.  It was a small barn, but I thought just so neat and tidy it deserved to be published.
 We were on a country road, stopped and I was out of the Rav.  Have more pics from this place that I am saving for Good Fences.
This one was on the edge of has seen better days....

Thanks to Tom for keep The Barn Collective alive....

Friday, January 29, 2016

Cornstalk Covered Bridge

We came across a new to us covered bridge on Wednesday...Cornstalk Covered Bridge.  It is is in Putnum County.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

From Russellville, Indiana

On our drive yesterday we came to a little town we had never been in, Russellville.  Roger spotted this old house...I really hope to go back there someday to see if it has been given a new lease on life.
The door doesn't look too old, but that porch and steps could be updated one way or the other.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Buzzard fences

For Good Fences, I am showing a few shots taken today.
Please click to expand the view.
This was a cooperative pair.
In these pics that are zoomed in, it looks like the fence has an extraordinary amount of barbs...
and even the ones not so zoomed still have more than I remember barbed wire having.
Just a couple more to go...
and the one below is my fav I think!

Linking to

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

One of my favorite birds

If a person can have a favorite bird, then this would be mine.  Don't get me wrong, nothing thrills me more than seeing an eagle.  And I love all the other little tweeties...
but the wren just steals my heart every time.  Such a big pretty song comes from that little body.  And they have such a sunny personality...who could not love them.

Monday, January 25, 2016

My treasure for Tuesday's Treasure....

Without a doubt, she is the treasure of our family...this above when she was just a few month old...

 She has a couple dogs that are real treasures too...none could be better than this big dog above...and the one below provides loads of entertainment. 
I guess I will close with this one of her and her Grandpa...
Well, this post shows treasures of a different sort, but treasures they are.  I am reminded of that every time she walks in the door.

Linking to Tuesday's Treasures.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Blue Cornbread Mix

This was taken at the Bridgeton Mill in Indiana.  No I did not buy any.  But I love the packaging. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Back in time for The Barn Collective...

Hopefully, I will remember to link to the Barn Collective without Tom having to remind me this time.  I totally forgot last week till he reminded me.

Anyway, I didn't get out to hunt any new barns, or take any new barn photos this past week, so going all the way back to November of 2005
These are all barns fairly close to where I live now...I bet none are more than 10 miles away.  If even that.
But of the ones I am showing from that day, I think I could find the one above...
and possibly this one.  Maybe we should go for a drive next week and see if we can find these barns and see what they look like now.
I like this one for the fact that there are cows and fences in the shot....
Here we have a cropped portion of the photo...look at that little calf!  Just so little.
Here is the last photo of this post....I thought at first not exactly a barn photo, but at the end of the field on the right is is the top of what appears to be a barn.  Go ahead and click on this photo if none of the others...I love it when the view is expanded.  It is one of my favorite photos I have ever taken.

I hope if  you have barns in your photos, that you will find one to link with The Barn Collective!

Friday, January 22, 2016


These calves live out close to the strip pits...

I told Roger these are the most photographed cows in Indiana...

I don't know who could resist faces like this.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Visitors on a snowy day

Wednesday we woke up to approximately 3 inches of snow...seems like this Red-bellied Woodpecker and his mate come no matter what.  Several times a day.
Also the cardinals...
But yesterday the cowbirds made their appearance.
They were not here in the numbers that they came last year, but the winter is young.
It was hard to get some of these pics cause they were all constantly moving.
That's it from my little corner of the world.  

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A bit of fencing...

I forget what town this little church was in...but I like the bit of decorative fencing in front.
And for a change of pace,
how about this one from April of 2008?

Linking to

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Ready to run....

Every time I see this chicken, it looks  ready to fun for its life!  It was at the same house as the ones below but for some reason was not hanging with flock.
I would love to know why it was all by itself...
whatever the reason, it was fun to see them.

Monday, January 18, 2016

From the Land of Lincoln for Tuesday's Treasures

We were wandering around somewhere over in Illinois when we came across this place.  It was a house on the corner...not a business.  There are a lot of treasures here that I would like to have, though what I would do with them is more than I know.

Thank-you Tom for starting Tuesday's Treasures.

Sunday, January 17, 2016


I love seeing the doves out at/under the feeders.  We always throw some feed on the ground for some of the birds that prefer the ground and also for the squirrels.
 Don't you just love the missus?  I have been posting a lot of the mister, but few of her.
 This one was taken before Christmas...

I hope you enjoyed them...we have so much fun sitting watching them.  

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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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