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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Good fence posts!

I made a pass through the strip pits...not much was stirring.  Just the birds.  I managed to capture the Eastern Kingbirds and snapped a Dickcissel or two.
Since they are sitting on a fencepost,
I decided to use them for Good Fences, if I can remember to link up in the morn....

Lorelei is coming so not sure how much visiting I will get to do.  She will be here through Sunday.


I have posted this barn before...but when we passed it the other day I just had to pause and take a few more of it.  I would probably have taken a photo of the sky if nothing at all had been there, though.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Mr. Red-Winged Blackbird

This is another from the Heron Viewing Park....the same place where I photographed the swan on the nest and the Canadian goose on the nest. 

Linking to I'd Rather B Birding....

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Swamp turtles...

Last Saturday when we were out for our drive, we went go by the big orchard for one thing.  The other is near the orchard, we take this road that goes down to this swampy area.  Last summer it was dry when we were up is still not as full as you would think it might be at this time of year.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Good Fences...

We came across the above the other day...
and this one is from a couple years back.   I wonder how long it will be before we will be looking forward to snow.

joining Good Fences--if I can remember!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fresh spring green

In my eyes, this is just so beautiful....hope you like it half as much.

Monday, May 19, 2014

For Rubbish Tuesday

I just recently discovered a new meme...Rubbish Tuesday over at Rubbish by Roan.  So this is my offering.  We came across it in 2012 in Parke County, or at least I am pretty sure we were still in Parke County in Indiana.

There was an RV parked out behind...and these two came to greet me.   Yes, they were far I have never had a close encounter other than having a few dogs that I could hardly get away from.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Handsome fellows!

Isn't he handsome! 

Believe it or not, both of these were at the same place.  Don't you love the variety of colors they come in?


I have always called these honey locust I am not so sure.  It does have thorns...

Friday, May 16, 2014

Clematis--Niobe I think

We planted this last year...I had planted a different color and it died.  I have no idea why.  The nursery tried to give me this one...I tried to pay.  So, I ended up paying half price. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Nesting goose

Another nester...this time not over 5 feet from the boardwalk.
S/he did not seem at all upset with us pausing to watch.  Just sat there calmly watching the world go by.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Barn details

 I thought I would show just a couple photos closer in of the barn I am showing over at Pics & pieces.
This barn was quite a ways off the road and these are the best I could do.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nesting swan

We were so lucky to go up to the Heron Viewing station last weekend...couldn't believe we got to see this swan.  It just sat there for the longest time
It finally settled down as if to sleep a bit.
It finally stood up to make some can see one egg if you click and expand the view...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


This muskrat did not seem at all afraid...sat and cleaned itself while we just stood and watched.  He was maybe 10 feet from us.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


The turtles were kind of shy...this log had at least 16 turtles on it to begin with but they slid/dove into the water when I moved just one to many times. A couple of these stayed there, then the other two crawled back on it while we watched. The log full of turtles is posted at Pics & Pieces.

Monday, May 5, 2014


We went up to the Heron Viewing Station north of Danville, Illinois yesterday.  Though we only saw the Great Blue Herons from a distance or else in flight, this was a new bird for me.  Looking in my bird book, I think it is a Sora....I don't think I have ever heard of or saw one before.

Just thought I  might as well throw in this other shot. 
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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