My other blog

My Other Blog

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Trying something a little different

I am not at home and did not bring my laptop with me, so I am using a photo from my other blog. This is an old, night time shot taken within the past 5 years. It was taken in the summertime but everyone thought it was sort of Christmas-y so am going to use it. That is the moon, but doesn't it look like a star?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Fair weather shot....

This is just a few hundred feet from this.....look at those blue skies! Seems like forever since we have seen weather like that.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A drive-by shot...

We pass this tree every time we go to Sarah's...for some reason I like it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Season's greetings...

I would love to see this at night...I think it is has lights. Wouldn't that be a warm greeting to come upon on a cold winter night?

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Short-eared owl

I took a short drive to the strip pits the other day....this was the best shot of the short-eared owl in my opinion. I posted more a couple or three days ago on my other blog if you care to go look...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Old Barn from the Land of Lincoln

I ran across this the other day when looking through the archives and immediately thought I would use it today.
I am not sure where it was taken...somewhere over in Illinois. It looks like it has been in a bit too much wind. If you want to join the Barn Charm Meme, check out Tricia's Bluff Area Daily blog.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Winter wonderland

This is Brouillette's starts over in Illinois and eventually makes it way to the Wabash River. This photo was taken in Indiana just mile or so from the Illinois border.

Friday, December 10, 2010


This is a three for one post....
I would have eventually posted all of these,
but since they were all taken on the same day, thought I would just post them all on the same day.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


His name is Diamond, and even though I swore no more dogs after we lost Shelby early this past summer, I would take this dog in a heartbeat. He has a lovely personality...and he is young. Just what I need....

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

In Eugene, Indiana

I have been in and through Eugene a lot of times, and noticed this building for the first time last weekend. It is the Eugene Township Trustees.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

West Union Covered Bridge

This is one of the covered bridges of Parke County, Indiana. It goes across Sugar Creek....Roger has went there with buddies and they have waded the creek fishing.
It is a fairly long bridge...over 300 ft. long. Its a double span...built in 1876! Just think it is over 100 years old.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Old barn

In my opinion, there is something so appealing about a barn/snow scene. I shot this photo over the weekend and decided to use it for the new barn meme started by Tricia over at the Bluff Area Daily blog....see her there if you want to join or just check out the submissions.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Weekend snow

A heavy wet snow blankets our landscape around here....things previously ugly are made new and beautiful.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I want one!

We took a side street in Montezuma...that a sort of joke. If you knew how small Montezuma is, you would understand. Oh, it has more than a hundred people...I just checked and according to the place I found it has a population of 1,179. This cabin was in someone's backyard. It was really small...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign....

When we were out last weekend, we stopped for me to take this photo. Doesn't this look like the perfect place to let your kids play. It is out in the middle of nowhere. We crossed the bridge to go up this hill....
when this sign caught my eye as we passed. I had Roger back up.
I feel like only in Indiana would you find something like this!
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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