My other blog

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Barn Charm Christmas wishes

I wasn't going to join this week because I know I will be busy tomorrow, but maybe I will have time to visit tomorrow evening. I ran across these old photos and just could not resist posting them.
This barn is just east of Rockville, Indiana...
I had admired this barn for years before I realized that the road that went by it was a public road and not a private drive.
I loved how they decorated it, and thought it was a good entry for the last Barn Charm before Christmas. If you wish to join or see more barns, click the previous link.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wintry scenes for Friday's fences....

I was looking for some photos for something other than blogging and ran across these...and thought they would make a good Friday's fences post. I did remember the one above, but had totally forgotten the one below. Both of these are scans...either of slides or actual photos. I don't recall which.
The one below was taken a couple or three years ago...with a digital camera. It is not too far from here...every time I pass it I think it is the prettiest view no matter what the time of year.
They are my entry for Friday's fences....I just hope I remember to link up. The girls are supposed to head here tomorrow late...not sure what time they will be here. It may be a day or two before I get to visit everyone...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


These seedpods caught my eye on a recent drive...I have no idea what they are.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Barn Charm

First of all, the first picture below should have been published with last week's Barn was the last view we had of the farm.

And the following views are for this week's featured barn.
This one was definitely south of Terre Haute, but just can't remember if it was on the day we went to Goose Pond, or on the day we were over in Illinois...and I am not taking the time to look.

I love how sturdy and true itwas built...

and as usual, I would love to see inside and see what is on the other side of the windows. Again the small doors and so many windows fascinate me...I am linking this to Tricia's Barn Charm Meme.

Been gone for a couple days so going to take some time to catch up with everyone.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Down a country road

We just had to go down this road...I think it is the one that led to my last Barn Charm post. Could I find it again--possibly. I do know the general way we went and the first turn we took.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Old image for Friday's Fences

This was taken on a foggy morn of February 4, 2008. It is one of my favorite even though I have published it previously on Pics & Pieces for sure, and maybe even on here, I am posting it again. Maybe I am a little too fond of it:-)

I am linking with the Friday's Fences at Life According to Jan and Jer.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Meet you out on a limb.....

We trimmed some branches from our crab apple tree a bit back...the city has not picked up the brush yet. For which I am sort of thankful. These sparrow gather in it off and on all day.
They come as one and leave as one...they go between this little brush pile and the feeders almost as if they were joined at the wing-tip.

I think these are even better if enlarged. I could not get any view that did not have a busy background.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Some photos just leave me without a clue to what to title the post...and this is one of them. Roger could only pause for me to take this pic and one more on a little farther. Every time I look at it I see something new. I don't know how many times I looked at it before I noticed the skull on the tree above the silhouette. And I love the bell...and the old truck. It almost looks like they have recently put stuff under the roof to keep it out of the weather. I wonder if they have get togethers under this...notice the chairs stacked and the picnic tables stacked up.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Barn Charm

When we were out on our last little drive, the above is what came into view....oh, and BTW, it is the farm where the horse was at in this post.
I was impressed with the design of the cupola, even if the barn does need a lot of TLC.
We eased pm along and I stopped to take a couple photos that included the pond and one of the horses.
Notice the dog laying in the grass near the corner of the white building...although I was stopping for the view of the barn, I liked that he was laying there.
As always, you can go to the Barn Charm Meme at Bluff Area Daily to join or to see more barns.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Short-eared owl

I thought this was the best shot I got of the short-eared owl last week. You can right-click on it to open it up in another tab in order to be able to view it full sized....I have sized it a big bigger than I normally do. I love the evening light in this one.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A little perspective...

This first shot is not so good, but just wanted you to see this lichen in was on the top of these posts. They were about 30 inches high...give or take an inch or two. Roger noticed it...not me.

I have never seen it with the red. If you will click the above picture to enlarge it, you will notice that the red is like a pod containing the lichen. At least I call this lichen. If you know different, please be sure to say so.

Isn't it beautiful!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Friday's fence

We happened across this fence the other day on our drive...I love all the pumpkins on the fence posts. I had never seen that till this year, and this makes the second one I have entered in Friday's Fences , but it is the third or fourth I have seen.

To join or see more fences go to Friday's Fence's at Life According to Jan and Jer.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

See this barn

If you will look in the background of the previous post, you will see this barn. It is there right beyond the little fenced in grave. AND, it is just on the other side of the road from the barns in the post before that one.

Under a spreading tree

This was taken the same day as the barns fact, just before we got to them. I like how massive this tree feels...I don't know what the grave is for. I always assume a beloved pet.

Monday, November 28, 2011


I am at least going to do this entry for Barn Charm....not sure how much regular blogging I am going to be doing. I don't remember where the above barn was at.
But the bottom two I do know...I have taken both on numerous occasions. The one above is on 59, just north of Mansfield. Every picture I have taken of it is a drive by, with this probably being the most successful one of all that I have taken.
And the barn above is on Coffing Brothers road, north of the Coffing Brothers Orchard.

If you have time, go check out the other barns linked to Tricia's Barn Charm meme.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


If you will notice, she is practicing her 'writing.' And doing a fine job with it, I might add.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Iris that will last all year

While in Nashville, we saw this stone carving...not quite sure what else to call it.  I had to take a quick snapshot of it.  I would not mind having it in my yard to remind me of things to come.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Barn Charm, and more....

Believe it or not, these were taken about 4 hours ago in Parke County in Indiana. It was so dark and dreary today that I had the ISO set at 800 and 1600 all the time...

I hit the auto contrast button on all these shots to brighten them up just a bit...though you may not think they look bright at all.

I just loved all the matching red buildings....
and wondered why this one was left white.

If you wish to join or see more barns, go see Tricia's Barn Charm meme!

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I think this gives new meaning to the word decorated...also looks like a little bit of recycling has been going on with it. The funny thing about it, I like it. This was seen down in Nashville, Indiana on Friday.

Friday, November 18, 2011

On the way home tonight...

These are all straight out of the case you can't tell. Only thing I resized them. I know the first and third were taken with me leaning back and taking a photo through the window behind Roger...and I think the second one two. Oh, that reminds me they are taken while going between 55 and 60 mph. You can tell it in the second photo for sure.

They are shown in the order that they were taken.

I could not just pick one...

so thought I would just show you the whole show...

it was just too beautiful for words....

Friday's fences

I don't think I have posted this shot, though it was taken back in September on the way to a family picnic. It is a drive-by shot, but I still like it just fine. I am linking to Jan's Friday's Fences....and boy, oh, boy, do I like her entry for today.

I will try to get by to visit everyone later tonight.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Mansifield Mill

I like the sky in this shot more than anything, but it doesn't do it justice. However, it lives in my mind all over again when I see this photo.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mansfield roller mill dam...

The last time we were up to Mansfield, the water was the lowest we had ever seen it. With having had some rain, and figuring they will be lowering the dam on up the way, we decided to check it out Sunday. As you can see there is plenty of water coming over the dam and it has been so high it has started washing dead trees over.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Leftovers for Barn Charm this week

Since I only got to capture one view of these subjects, I thought I would post them together. I think the were all three south of Terre Haute, but not sure just where. I am almost positive the first one is in Illinois, and the second one may be too. It was somewhere close to the state line, so can not be sure one way or the other.
It is one of the most well maintained barns I have seen. Everything is just so about the whole set up. It made me wonder what it is used for.
And as you can see with the last one, it is from within the car...I think though that Roger did pause. Both the first and last barns have seen better days....

I am linking this to Tricia's Barn Charm meme.
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All photos are ©Rose Swalls unless otherwise stated .
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