We trimmed some branches from our crab apple tree a bit back...the city has not picked up the brush yet. For which I am sort of thankful. These sparrow gather in it off and on all day.

They come as one and leave as one...they go between this little brush pile and the feeders almost as if they were joined at the wing-tip.
I think these are even better if enlarged. I could not get any view that did not have a busy background.
They are perfectly photographed. Aren't they sweet?
Wow, so many of them. They're all nice and puffed up to keep the cold out.
These pictures are GREAT!!!! It must have been cold, because they are all puffed up. Like living leaves!
Looks as if they are just sitting there watching the world go by.
These are precious! Wonderful captures!
Lovely photos Rose. The first one would look good framed or on note cards.
they warm my heart! :)
these are awesome and even more awesome enlarged realy big so i can see the details on these sweet little guys
A fine group shot of these birds enjoying the tiny branches. I wonder if they feel safer here than when at the feeder. I have some who flit back and forth one morsel at a time trip after trip to hide in a bush nearby with that is dense with branches. No hawks or owls are going to get them there.
Wow Rose, beautiful. Aren't they the cutest things! I wish I could get pictures like that! Great!
I looked at them again. Beautiful photographs!!! Really great! Something I would frame and display!
Nice shots!
I'm glad the sparrows -- and you -- are taking advantage of the branches that the city hasn't yet removed.
I am imagining their happy little chirps!
I love how they all do everything together!
Darling fluffy round little birds.
these are totally delightful photographs. The sparrow doesn't live around my location; bigger birds no doubt eradicated them over the years. Love their stature and perky face and markings; beautiful photographs
Lovely! I always wonder how they know when to fly. Is one in charge and does he give a special tweet? I guess it's just one of those mysteries.
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