I wasn't going to join this week because I know I will be busy tomorrow, but maybe I will have time to visit tomorrow evening. I ran across these old photos and just could not resist posting them.

This barn is just east of Rockville, Indiana...

I had admired this barn for years before I realized that the road that went by it was a public road and not a private drive.

I loved how they decorated it, and thought it was a good entry for the last Barn Charm before Christmas. If you wish to join or see more barns, click the previous link.
This is a wonderful, big barn! I love how it is decorated with a wreath for Christmas! Your header photo is beautiful, Rose. Have a wonderful Christmas!!
What a lovely barn, the Christmas wreath just adds the final perfect to it.
This is a lovely series of photos and a charming subject! Well done!
Absolutely gorgeous! How wonderful to discover that you could drive right by this beauty!
Perfect for Christmas week's Barn Charm. Thanks for sharing your find!
Lovely pictures and we can welcome Christmas.
online virtual worlds for kids
ohhhhh i LOVE this one!
Love that first shot...looks like a christmas card!
i think this barn wins Most Amazing. I LOVE IT.. it is a wow moment for me. so glad you posted it.
You know someone loves their barns when they are decorated for Christmas!
i love it! :) i think it is so cool how that barn portion is squeezed between their silos.
A most unuusual arrangement of barn and silos. Interesting.
I agree with [I and Sinbad] that it is a most unusual arrangement! Now that you know it is a public road, we may see more of it...?
I like how unique the barn's entrance is. I'm glad you included a shot that showed us how huge this barn actually is. Amazing place! Thanks for posting one more before the Christmas weekend. Have a Merry Christmas, Rose!
Very unusual looking. I love that last photo of the stone pillar included.
You mean to tell me you have never stopped your car at the end of a driveway to shoot a barn... hmm. I have done so a couple of times to take photos of horses... I imagine I will do the same with barns... :)
Thanks for the photos and I love that it is decorated for Christmas.
Oh Rose what a beautiful and yet unusual barn. The guardian silos are different. I love the Christmas decorations too.
Have a Blessed Christmas. MB
A beautiful building to see... and I love the Christmas decorations... many thanks for sharing.
Merry Christmas to you and your readers, I'm just stopping by new blogs that i think are interesting. And then ill put some of those on my favorites list to visit again. Happy holidays folks and wishing everyone a healthy new years as well. Richard from a Amish community in Pennsylvania.
This is a WONDERFUL barn!!! I love that they took time to hang wreaths on it:)
THANK you for posting and visiting!
Merry Christmas!
Always, always beautiful photographs from you. I just love it all!
Merry Christmas!
Rose this barn is just awesome, and love the photos thta you took! So glad that you took those few minutes out of your day to post these. I am from Illinois, and love this type of amazing barn. Would never find one of these here in Texas, so is so nice to find a "bit of home' here. !
Gorgeous barn. What a great seasonal scene! Wonderful photos.
I'm glad you did decide to post these pictures. I really like the way that the barn is decorated for Christmas, and the fact that it's a white barn just makes it that much prettier.
I'm so glad you were able to post this week...what a great barn!! This is just gorgeous...and I think the wreaths always perk things up...makes me smile everytime I see a wreath on a barn! :)
Full of charm!
It is so huge. I don't know why but that first shot reminds me of a large church. :)
That's a huge barn with a very different design. The Christmas decorations are wonderful. They really pop against the white.
Beautiful Rose and it's a perfect one for the holidays coming up.
These are all wonderful photos but I like the symmetry and colors best in the first one. An excellent find and a great photo for just before Christmas.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday and a prosperous and Happy New Year!
Oh yes, the decorations are very pretty & spruce the place up nicely for Christmas! =)
I'm very late this week visiting Barn Charmers, so sorry!
Thanks so much for joining =)
Wow...this one is wonderful! What a great barn and a perfect photo for winter. Lovely! Merry Christmas!
This is the dreamiest barn I think I have ever seen. Love the way it looks squished in there. It is beautiful and the way the owes have it decorated makes it full of holiday cheer. So glad you shared it with us this week. genie
Now that's a country Christmas! And i wanted to just say that i wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a healthy new years. I've published my last post for the year and wanted to make sure i drop by my favorite blogs to wish them a happy holidays. Richard
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