I hit the auto contrast button on all these shots to brighten them up just a bit...though you may not think they look bright at all.

I just loved all the matching red buildings....

If you wish to join or see more barns, go see Tricia's Barn Charm meme!
it's a great place! love the cluster of red buildings! :)
it's a great place! love the cluster of red buildings! :)
I am wondering why the white one was left site while all the others were red. Nice captures. Lots of buildings...am thinking the white one is a glorified shed with a door and a window. Great post. genie
Well done on a dreary day - love the colors!
Well it is true that red is the best color for a barn or shed. Although there are many great different colored barns. Gotta be red. My barn is sort of a peachy color with darker trim. It is need of a paint job so next it will be Barn Red. YES!! MB
The colour is wonderful Beautiful pictures!! hmmm the white one -cool!!
These are wonderful pictures, especially since they were taken at such high ISO settings.
Your dreary day sounds like what we had. Rainy and foggy all day here.
I love this little cluster of buildings. If I could I'd have a little place like this and each building a different purpose.
LOVE the blue balls on the lightning rods!
interesting little group of barns. i wish we could get some history about these places, i always want to know all the details!!
Yes it was dark and dreary today - like pea soup over here. You sure can't tell it in your images though. These turned out very nice considering the conditions.
It's nice to see a splash of red colour. It does look like it might have been a dreary day!
Ah, it is home! I am not far from you in Vigo County. Seeing these pictures makes me realize how much I love living here.
Great shots! These red buildings really stand out! Maybe they ran out of red paint when it came to the white structure.
wooo hoo. a family of barns, all in one spot and a little white sheep barn, love them all and the photos came out great so that means you used the right settings. did not know there is a contrast button. darn, now i have to look at my camera.
it IS kinda odd that they'd have so many of them red & leave just one white... that's a great main barn, tho - thanks for joining, Rose! =)
Beautiful area, and beautiful barns. Such a pretty area.
I like the deep reds and those bright, contrasting roofs. They looks very good to me. Nice post.
What an interesting cluster of buildings - and not a fence or animal in sight! This scene raises so many questions....
I think these barns look great in this light, Rose.
These are great barn shots and such a lovely grouping. Perhaps they ran out of paint on the last one.???
Love the red buildings. Top barn shot is my favorite. It would be cool to see it in summer :)
Welcome to what it's like shooting in Oregon. lol
Great shots.
Barn Charm 60
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