This is a two for Tuesday sort of post....two barns, two shots of each barn.

I think both were taken on the same day southeast of Terre Haute, but I couldn't swear to it.

I love looking down lanes to see what I can see...

and then I like seeing the entire barn.
This is my entry to Tricia's Barn Charm meme...
love those cupola things!
That first one is really my kind of barn. Old, weathered and red. Great shots of both.
I really like the weathered paint on the red barn but also love the look of the white barn, which I suspect is on a dairy farm.
Great barns! I especially like that first one. The dutch doors on front are a nice touch!
Great shots... in the first one...I can just see horses looking out the top of the doors.
These two barns are so different, but they are both so charming. A lot of contrasts between the two make for interesting viewing. genie
I didn't realize so many others shared an interest in barns.
Love the series and the name Terre Haute. A little Canadian & American history.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Oh I like them both, Rose. The red one looks very well used and still being used. I like the white one too. It is good to see barns in use. MB
Each lovely in it's own way, I couldn't say which I like the best!
i LOVE them both but the first is my favorite. red, weathered, crooked open windows, the block foundation all = fabulous!!
Two for one! That's special! I do love the design of these old wooden barns.
I like your Two for Tuesday post. You've featured a couple of neat barns.
Very nice barns, the first one is my favorite. I like the red weathered look and I can just picture horses looking out the door windows.
A couple of nice ones!
I like the second one showing the contrast in the new and old siding.
Love the "dutch" doors on the top barn. Lovely!
Great pictures - both those barns look as if they get a lot of use.
i love both but the red is my absolute fave!
lovely old barns, both of them. i like that last shot best of all and it could also be a Friday Fence post
I love that first shot Rose. I too can picture horses looking out the top of the doors.
Yep, the beautiful old barns, for sure, then put a fence in front of it, too! LoL!
What is that 2nd one constructed of? Is it cinder blocks? Is that about how deep the snow gets up there? To the top of the cinder block section? I read somewhere that that's the reason they built barns w/ the blocks that high, because the snow gets so deep up north & that way the barn won't rot in that section.
Thanks so much for joining, Rose! =)
Fine barn shots. I like the cement block part of the fist barn which makes it a very interesting construction. The whole barn makes a fine shot too. Sometimes it's impossible to get a clear shot of these barns…so this is a good, clear one.
I forgot this meme again. :(
Love the peeling red paint and those little windows and I like the last shot behind the fence.
Awesome shots!! And two beautiful barns and a charmer.
The Barn
These are great....love the old worn out red paint on the first one!
I can't decide which I love the most.. I am new to the Barn Charm thing but I am enjoying all of the great shots.. Mine is here
nothing better than midwestern barns! Lovely shots, and thank you for stopping by my blog! Jeanne
These are wonderful! I especially like the first one's windows tilted at a quirky angle. It's so welcoming and makes me chuckle.
You have amazing barn photos. I am happy you visited my blog and left a wonderful comment about farming. Thank you. If you had not visited I may never have seen your lovely photography. B
Great barns. I love that first one. :-)
Barn Charm 58
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