This is from a recent drive...I forgot all about using it the past week or two.

I happen to like the lighting...it is probably my favorite thing about the picture above...

back when I first started blogging I had a blogger tell me how to get rid of lighting like this. So I suppose it is each to his own...
Go see Tricia's Barn Charm meme if you want to join or just see more barns.
FABULOUS roof! holy smokes! i'm in barn love! :)
Great old barn. Love that overhanging roof. And nice color, too.
Beautiful old red barn- I like the overhang and the shadows make it that much more interesting. Nice shots!
maybe i'm weird but i love the real lighting ... gives the photo some character. it's all natural. such a neat barn. (:
I like how it sits on the edge of a knoll.
Love the perspectives from which you shot these pictures of the barn. That first one is so cool. It leaves the viewer wondering what the barn really looks like...and then you show us in the second shot. Finally you give us a close up of the loft door and roof. I just love how you presented this post. genie
The roofline looks so steep - no snow would dare hang about on that!
Wonderful compositions! It's interesting to note what attracts or what is important to other photographers/bloggers and what we like ourselves. I once had an individual I met while photographying a local garden tell me my photos were much too soft. When I explained I liked them that way, they were florals; he told me I was wrong. Hmmm, maybe he though he had that right since he did win a photo contest. ;)
That is a really long roof line, holy cow!
Oops, almost forgot...so glad I caught the Out in the country...photos. Wonderful!
Not a thing wrong with that lighting! Beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder. I think it's beautiful!
Great roof and overhang. And there's nothing wrong with the lighting. I like it.
I like the lighting too - and it's a great barn!
My first thought was how did they put that roof on? Now as for the lighting, what was that blogger thinking?
I like the lighting in your photos, so I'm glad you didn't listen to that other blogger. I also like this barn -- I'm glad you remembered it.
Yes, I like the lighting, too. And I LOVE the roof!!
Just goes to show you...one man's poison, etc...I love the lighting on this barn! The shadows on that last shot add character! About the only things I like to take out of my shots are those nasty power lines they insist on putting in front of churches! Otherwise, I tend to be a purist...like to show what I see! Of course, it is fun to play around with different post-production filters...Very nice barn!
I really like the red in the sun!
that's a gorgeous barn and i also like the lighting!
A great looking barn made better with the wonderful light. I like that you added a close up of the braced overhang on the barn. Good one!
This is a uniquely shaped barn. I like the red paint and rusty metal roof. Great shots. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. Have a great day! Pamela
As far as the lighting -- it's what you saw at the moment, which is perfectly okay with me.
Great color and shape to this barn, Rose. :)
Why in the world would someone wanna get rid of that 'glow'? I sure wouldn't, so I'm with ya there!
I can see turning this one into a home... set some dormer window out the side for the upstairs bedroom & make that side door under the overhang a sliding door for an overlook, but not leading to a balcony, cuz that would mess up the vibe of the barn itself... Oh the ideas I have in my head would be so cool, if only I had the money!!! =)
You're probably right about the two of us having enough barns to run a meme... I thought I'd be able to post more over the winter months, but I still have sooooo many left!
I have enough to post at least one pic every week for the rest of this year & next! Unbelievable! LoL! I just love old barns, though, can't help it!
A huge thanks to you, Rose, for continuing to join each... much much appreciated! =)
laughing at Tex having a case of barn love. it is an amazing barn, and i am with you, the lighting makes the roof stand out. the roof goes all the way to the ground on the sides, kind of like an A frame house does. cool barn cool shot
Very nice photos.
Regards and best wishes
Why would anyone want to get rid of such awesome lighting? Beautiful barn! Beautiful photos.
Lovely. This one appears to still be used!
Different people like different things, but I like the lighting Rose.
This is a beautiful set of photos. Individually, each one is a sentence. But, when combined they tell a great story. :-)
What a beautiful barn, and you're right: the lighting is gorgeous!
I love the color of this barn! Beautiful!
Your shots of this one really bring out its charm! Thanks for stopping by at mine.
Now that is a barn shape and roof style that I have never seen. Great shots. :-)
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