Another repost...but I think they will be new to many of you. I always say this little barn is 'Knock your eyes out red.' The top photo was taken early in the morn...so a bit different from the bottom.

But both photos are un-altered except to resize. I hope you enjoy them.
To see more barn go see Tricia's Barn meme
i like the pretty red! :)
I love red! And yes, that's 'knock your eyes out' red. Living in suburbia, I rarely get to see barns...thanks for sharing!
a different shade of red than i'm use to ... just gorgeous. what a beautiful view. (:
Always love your barns Rose and this one is a beaut!
Nice red barn! I love that top shot!
Cute and love the view.
Barn Charm
I like the first one best, it is stunning!!!! The combination of everything in it is just perfect.
Interestingly, I am not all that fond of red barns. Don't know why. And this one is definitely very bright.
Wow! The first photo is just gorgeous!
I do remember this one Rose and it's probably because it's redder than red. :)
The first shot is just really lovely!
Fantastic shots, Rose! That's a great old barn.
These are lovely Rose, especially the first one with the sunrise and that red barn is a lovely colour.
Very pretty red - that last photo is an interesting view - the barn looks "relaxed" a bit!
Beautiful barn.
I like your first photo.
Regards and best wishes
that red definitely woke me up! love that first image!
That is a bright red!! Sure pops in that first shot!
the last one shows the old and the new sitting side by side, i like the old red barn best. the first one is beautiful, with that red snugged in the trees, i love early am shots
You should be naming lipsticks - what a bestseller that 'Knock Your Eyes Out Red' lipstick would be!
The early morning shot is to die for!
All barns should be red! These shots are so awesome! I love them!
These two very different presentations of this little barn are both very good. I like the first for its artistic picture quality and overall color cast. The second shows the true color of the barn and its physical condition better. Very nice post.
oh it's just so cute rose. i love the first one, the sky and the background steal the show!!
Definitely know your eyes out red! Love that first shot!
Thank you for reposting this one Rose. I've never seen it before. The photo taken early in the morning is stunning! Gotta admire a barn that's confident enough to wear such a bold shade of red... I love it. Gorgeous captures!
This is a very pretty little barn.
I like that 'knock your eyes out, red' - there's one of those near my parent's farm, so bright!
Love that 1st image w/ the red barn, fall colors, that gorgeous tree, & the sunrise! Nice!
Charming red barn Rose! Top shot is stunning.
Lovely barn and post
I LOVE the red!
I like unaltered photographs. :-)
Interesting how there's a slight foundation on the left hand side, jacking the barn up to level. lol
Noteworthy Musings - Barn Charm #77
Wow! What a lovely scene! The red really pops out! Thanks for stopping by at my barn.
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