These are all from the last drive we took a few days ago...all south of Terre Haute, Indiana.

All were taken during the worst lighting possible.

I have played around a little bit with each one trying to improve them a little bit...

Didn't have a lot of success....

I don't think I had to try to do anything to the one above, but it is the only one.

Anyway, I know quantity does not make up for quality, but maybe it will help a little bit.
If you have the time check out Tricia's Barn Charm meme
That first one might be in a state of disrepair but those forsythia bushes sure brighten it up.
I couldn't help noticing when I enlarged the fourth one how the large tree standing to the right looked like it had eyes, a pointed nose and a big open mouth. As if it's saying 'OH!' to the scene. :)
Oh no Rose, I think they're all great and especially the top one with the forsythia bushes.
love that first one with the forsythia blooming! and the last 2 as well! nice!
These photos are all quite lovely. And the first one looks like it actually was struck by lightening!
I think you did great! You found some real charmers. I can't choose a favorite!
They are great barns and photos. Many photos I have not taken because of the light only to regret it later. Thanks for sharing all of them.
BEAUTIFUL!! The one with the logs is my favorite!
These are great photos. My favorite is the first one with the forsythia. It's beautiful
This is a great group of barns, I especially love the first one surrounded by forsythias! Great finds!
It looks as if it was a very grey day so you did well with what light you had.
I really like your first picture - the yellow bushes look lovely around the barn.
great shots. my fav would be the last shot. something about that barn is just perfect. maybe the bit of red that is left there. i'm still curious as to what those little doodads are for ... they are to high up for a rain cover ... but they have to have a point. farmers would not waste money putting them there... or would they? ha. ha!! (:
those brilliant yellow flowers make up for the bad lighting. i love the barn in the second from bottom, it is beautiful.
Love the forsythia around the 1st one & I'm thinking the 1st & 2nd ones are my faves! However, the one w/ the cut up logs is pretty cool, too! To tell the truth, I'd love to explore them all!!!
Thanks =)
I think they make a fine collection. I admire you braving the lightning to get your shot. They look so nestled in the woods. Very attractive older barns.
I love them all Rose. Beautiful shots!
I think they're all wonderful. Is that forsythia in the first photo? It certainly makes that barn stand out, doesn't it. And the last photo I believe is my absolute favorite. I love how the old barn is tucked among the trees. The trees probably weren't there when the barn was built would be my guess. Farmers need room around their barns to get their equipment, animals and hay in.
I love the 3rd one, with each little addition being different from the last! Even the fencing is all a mishmash!
All great but I love the one with the forsythia blooming all around it.
All wonderful shots of a time past. I wonder what we can learn from these sad fellows. Is the surrounding land still being used? MB
I think they are all good, I like the lighting and the desaturated looks of each of them. It adds to the moodiness of each photo. Well done!
I like them all, thanks for sharing them with us! :)
i don't know anything about lighting or editing...i just know what looks good and these look great!!
Hi Rose. Thanks for commenting on my barn charm! We've always called that roofline a hip roof, so I had to do some googling on my own. What I've come up with is a Gothic Arched Roof. Google that and see what you think.
Awesome photos here. Love your barn.
You sound like me, and that's not a good thing. Please, have faith in your photographic abilities. These are all gorgeous captures Rose! Beautiful barns!
If these pictures were taken in the worst light possible, you did a very good job with all of these. Old barns that are falling apart are sad, but they do make for some fascinating pictures.
Look at that Forsythia! :-) Don't you love that?? I do! And your barns... love them! You got those great shots, Rose!
Love those old barns, Rose! They have tons of character and are so interesting!
oh i think you've got some great old barns there!
Nice variety as always! I like the forsythia in the first one!
Great batch of old barns! Good quantity and quality!
Sorry to be so late in my commenting. It has been a busy week. I can’t believe you found all of these on one drive about. You were one observant gal. I think the lighting was OK...or else you really did a lot of tweaking to get them to look so good. I kinda like the one that is about to bite the dust with all the trees cut in front. It is a classic. genie
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