I am not getting a chance to get out for a drive, so combing through the archives for photos I have not posted...the first three photos I have had resized since the days I took them with the intention of using them for Barn Charm but have never fit them in. The first is from south and west of Terre Haute, I think. Probably still in Illinois but I would not swear to it.
The one above is north of me about 8 or 10 miles...we are usually going 60/65 miles an hour, and no chance to get a drive by because of how it is situated, so last fall we turned off on to the road that goes past it for me to have a chance to photograph it. I don't know why I did not zoom in for some close up shots...it was not a busy road...and we were just out for a drive.

Now the barn above is in Parke County...and has seen better days. Makes me think someone has had a hard-scrabble life. Still, I like it...just for the feel of it. It is a drive-by-slowly shot. The road is full of potholes that goes by this barn.

This last shot has been converted to B&W...taken in Tennessee last spring.
If you have a barn or would like to see more, why not visit Tricia and the Barn Charm Meme....it will be open later on. I just realized it was Barn Charm time, so getting this ready while I have the time.
i very much like barns 2 & 4. :)
You know another good thing about "leftovers"?? Green grass. Oh, do I miss that! C'mon, Spring!
A very nice selection of barns! I like the tiny hint of red in the first one near the roof. That last one is very nice and different.
I really like the first and third one. It seems mine are usually drive by shots.
All great shots but the one with the corn fields in the backgrounds is my favorite.
Nice series of photos! I like the hard-scrabble barn. It looks like a survivor.
what beauties. i'm really like the one with the windmill. they are great though. (:
The horizontal slats look odd, don't they?!
I love the odd little 3rd barn! You have a fine collection.
Each one has her own beauty & charm. I so love barns.
Happy Valentine's
A great collection!
The second one is my favorite. I love what you did with the spider web, and the ducks in the misty snow, that is just a lovely shot!
These are all charming barns, Rose. The second one is my favorite!
I think leftovers are sometimes better than the original meal. All of your leftovers are marvelous.
A fine series of four barns. Each one has its own appeal. I'm impressed with your archives. Nice barn charm post, Rose.
Very nice for leftovers! I like the 2nd one because of the scenery around it - windmill and cornrows, but something about that 3rd one... I really like the peak overhang - kind of unusual!
Quite a nice variety! :>)
The first one reminds me of ones here in southeastern Ohio---very close to the road.
The second one has a flat landscape that I don't see much here. I like the blue sky and golden wheat(?)stretching behind it seeemingly to infinity.
But I think my favorite is the third one. There is something about the hard-scrabble life, as you termed it, that reels me in and makes me admire it.
Great post!:>)
Wow, you have a collection of barns. I am lucky if I see that many in one year! Sadly enough.
i love your left overs and love them ALL but i sure would like to own the 3rd one.
Wonderful finds, Rose, & I esp like the windmill in the 2nd shot, but I also really like all the doors in the 1st one.
Love the ruggedness & the overhang of the 3rd & the last is nice in b&w!
Thanks for continuing to join Barn Charm =)
WOW!! Wonderful barns! I LOVE the first few particularly. The US Barns are so great!!
I enjoyed these leftovers, Rose!
These are all great looking barns that have surely stood the test of time! Love the first one,it looks like it used to be red... and the third must have been a beauty in its day.
Well Rose they all look pretty good. Never say 'left over barn' just extras. LOL
We all love barns. We have been have pretty mild weather here. I took these pics two days ago. I see the farmers getting out and checking their fields---some fields have been plowed already---but planting is in probably end of March and into April except Peas will be soon. MB
I love all the barns, but especially the 2nd one with the windmill.
Beautiful photos.
Regards and best wishes
i like them all but that number 2 is just spotless!
Thanks so much for your visit and kind comments. Your series this week is so interesting. The barns are all so different and a lll have their own personalities. The last one looks sort of like a square...that is a new one for me, but it looks we’ll used. The third one needs some roof work but looks to be hanging in there. I notice what looks to be a swing set in the background. Maybe the family lives in that other building. The second one is huge....and I love the windmill. It really is a nice barn...my favorite of the grouping. The first one looks to be locked up for now. I wonder what stories it has to tell. genie
Love the barn with the windmill Rose! They are all charming barns. Favorite shot-#2 :)
Very nice set of very charming barns! Love the barn that's had a hard-scrabble life. It's got lots of character.
I'm so glad you took the time to pull off the highway and snap that shot of the second barn. I love everything about that picture - - - the corn in the background, the windmill, and that old piece of farm equipment sitting in front of the barn.
Love that picture!
Love all the barns. Great photos!
Wow, these are great shots. I don't know if I can pick a favorite, but that last b/w is very interesting. Love the starkness of it. Thanks for visiting Joyful Altitude and leaving a comment. God bless.
Yes, each barn has its own character and charm. Love the second one with the windmill and corn field.
All great barn shots!
If I showed more than one per week I'd be through my stash in no time. lol I have to take it slow until the weather allows me to wander again.
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