Since none of these are what are my better photos, I am offering a variety. They are all drive-bys from a few years ago on a trip that started in Indiana, went up through Michigan, over the top through the Upper Peninsula, down and over through Wisconsin, over to the Mississippi and down and back east through Illinois. Admittedly a lot of these were probably at 55-60 mph and not 65 mph...we were not on the interstate and tend to stick to the lower speed.

I had another of the above but it was simply too blurry to put on...

I sure wich I had had an opportunity to take more shots of the above barn. I love the cupola.

I know the stop sign is obviously blurry, and to me, the barn is slightly, too...but I am still showing it. I like the curve of the road going by it.

This one is more silo than barn, but I like the stonework ....

And this is another place I wish we had had time to stop and maybe even take the road running by the place...looks like it would have been a busy farm.
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That stone pedestal under the silo is so interesting! And this last picture, so much going on here.I, too, would have loved to gone in there and driven all around!
i do like the cupola - nice clean barn. and i like the stone pumphouse or milkhouse at the curved road place. and the rounded barn in the last shot... :) of course, that silo wins the contest today...
I always think your drive by shots are amazing. I'm too slow and always end up with a tree or pole in the middle of what I'm trying to take a photo of. These are some interesting barns!
Great shots Rose, but my favourite is the red one with the cupola. It is so fresh and clean and tidy looking.
Love the stone work on that silo, great find.
Love that red against the pure white roof.
wow. so many barns to pick from. i love the stone work as well. the cupola is just great. such character. (:
LOVE that last shot w/ the silos. That stone work is amazing!
You have some great shots here, especially for pictures taken while moving! I love that silo!
Lovely set of photos! I know what you mean about wishing to go back and take more photos of a drive-by. However, there had to be a whole lot of barns along that route you took. If you would have stopped for each one you would still be poking along.
Visiting you from Barn Charm. Great photos ... I think I like the third one best. :)
I don't know what it is about old barns, but they have a charm all their own.
Great barns!!
Beautiful barns. One silo I think it is pretty unique.
Barn Charm
What an interesting silo!
Great photos! Love the stone silo!
So many pretty old barns....I too love the cupola and the silo....
Love those barns... the curvy road? Yes I like it too, but the stone silo foundation is wonderful!
These are all amazing. I live in Texas where we have more ranches than barns, so we don't have anything like these!
Beautiful barns.
Regards and best wishes
These are great shots for drive-bys! Each of them is different, so they all give plenty to view. I love the "busyness" of the last one, and the cupola on the red one, but that first barn has a lot of character still. Wonderful contribution!
That silo with the massive stone base is so unusual. Not sure I like it (but I do like the stone work, just not necessarily on a silo)
I think these are all wonderful shots, Rose. No need to apologize for anything here!
Love those silos in the last shot. They will likely stand forever. :)
You did great for drivebys...really nice barns!
my favorites are the cupola that looks like it is making the barn sag and the last one is totally fascinating, i could spend a couple of hours just at that one place. way cool shot
They're beauties all... the 1st is very tall, the cupola is nice, but looks to be sagging the roof a bit, the 3rd is a very large barn & I love the stone building out back, love the stone work around the silo, & that last farm looks to be very nice!
What a post, Rose, beautiful barns!
Thank you very much! =)
You have some beautiful drive by barns, Rose!
I think these make a fine set of barn pictures. I'm totally impressed with a farm that needs three huge silos. They must be feeding a huge herd. Nice post!
Great barn shots! I love the stonework on the silo. My favorite barn is the bright red one with the white cupola.
Rose that silo with the stonework is a piece of art! Love the first barn with the round bales all covered with a white tarp. The red red barn with the white roof is very charming. Rose you got some beautiful drive-by charmers :)
Great drive-by shots Rose! You've got such an interesting variety of barns (and silos) that I can't pick a favorite. They are all beautiful photos!
Nice selection of barns. Driving through all those states definitely provides lots of photo ops! Thanks for stopping by.
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