I don't know about where you live, but around here the wind very seldom completely stops...if ever.

These are a couple attempts of the grasses/hay growing at the strip pits.

I don't think I had ever noticed the little flowers before...amazing what trying to zoom in close will teach us.
This is just lovely!!!
it feels good, but it sure makes photography interesting at times! :)
photography sure opens up a whole new world to us, doesn't it! =)
We live on a hill and I don't believe the wind ever stops blowing here either! Lovely captures of the tiny flowers. :)
i just came from another blog, one in Canada and she had grass with flowers and i said i had never seen grass with flowers and now here i am at your grass with flowers. i must look closer next time. beautiful
I like these grass shots. The softness in the image conveys the windy feel very well. They make appealing subjects.
What I've noticed is that the wind always blows when I'm trying to get a macro shot of a flower or something like that.
They are really quite pretty! Haven't felt much wind here recently....or maybe it is just too hot to notice. Sure could use rain!
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