And the one above is not quite three months was taken May 8,2011. If it changes this much in less than 3 months time...wonder what it will look like a year from now.
Oh my, it is slipping away! Thank you for your kind comment on our dog. Interesting to learn that you had doxies. She was my late mom's dog and is very special to us. They do have funny little (big) personalities!!!
I think that barn is in it final stages. It still kind of amazes me when I go out and see something like that standing after a storm that has strong winds.
That trailer looks fairly new; I hope they get it out of there pretty soon.
Great captures, Rose. I've noticed some new wear and tear on a few barns that we pass on a regular basis, too. The spring we've had this year sure didn't help any!
They're taking a chance with that trailer. I hope they try to prop at least part of the barn up and save that part. So sad to see the old ones fall down.
I could have sworn I left a comment last night on this very post, but I guess not! Sorry!
This poor old barn is certainly on its last legs... did ya'll have some ice sometime in Feb or March? Or maybe, a big snow? Maybe that's what almost collapsed the side? Doesn't matter, though, I love it anyway! I've noticed this spring that several barns in the area have completely or are getting ready to collapse due to winter ice storms... I've grown up in this area & have never seen so many fallen down & caved in old barns! Strange to see!
Thank you for posting this beauty, Rose, & I've got ya linked up to Barn Charm... thank you so much for letting me do that, too!!! =)
Now, this barn looks like it really is here in Rockbridge County, VA. This is what I see day after day on my drive to school in the mornings and afternoons. It is so sad. People just do not have the money to keep them up and in good condition. You took a really nice shot of this one Have a nice rest of the week.
There's an old homestead not far from where I live, abandoned, left to its own devices. I took shots last summer, and already it's looking much worse for wear. Won't be standing much longer. :-(
Looks like somebody should move what looks like a pretty good trailer.
I'm with Carletta, they better get the trailer out and quick.
i second (or third) that opinion!
I fear it is doomed. Next the horse trailer will be removed. Sad to see it go into ruin. Fine comparison in these images.
Oh my, it is slipping away! Thank you for your kind comment on our dog. Interesting to learn that you had doxies. She was my late mom's dog and is very special to us. They do have funny little (big) personalities!!!
It sure is leaning!
Obviously, it is still being a carport...but I don't think it is long for this world! Great photos, Rose!
I think that barn is in it final stages. It still kind of amazes me when I go out and see something like that standing after a storm that has strong winds.
Time has not been kind to this old barn. I wonder if it will still be standing in three more months.
I never thought I would use the words barn and breathtaking in the same sentence....
I agree it would be a good idea to move that trailer! :)
Looks like the wind is making it's. Mark on the beautiful barn.
That trailer looks fairly new; I hope they get it out of there pretty soon.
Great captures, Rose. I've noticed some new wear and tear on a few barns that we pass on a regular basis, too. The spring we've had this year sure didn't help any!
It's just waiting for the brush n weed to take it over...better get that trailer out soon! Nice shots!
They're taking a chance with that trailer. I hope they try to prop at least part of the barn up and save that part. So sad to see the old ones fall down.
I could have sworn I left a comment last night on this very post, but I guess not! Sorry!
This poor old barn is certainly on its last legs... did ya'll have some ice sometime in Feb or March? Or maybe, a big snow? Maybe that's what almost collapsed the side?
Doesn't matter, though, I love it anyway! I've noticed this spring that several barns in the area have completely or are getting ready to collapse due to winter ice storms... I've grown up in this area & have never seen so many fallen down & caved in old barns! Strange to see!
Thank you for posting this beauty, Rose, & I've got ya linked up to Barn Charm... thank you so much for letting me do that, too!!! =)
Hope all is well!
perhaps you have been paying closer attention to this barn than the owners!
What a shame to see a barn like this just fall apart. It's an amazing difference in 3 months! I agree that they need to move that trailer.
Now, this barn looks like it really is here in Rockbridge County, VA. This is what I see day after day on my drive to school in the mornings and afternoons. It is so sad. People just do not have the money to keep them up and in good condition. You took a really nice shot of this one Have a nice rest of the week.
Great comparison shots! A beam somewhere gave way and others will probably soon follow. What a difference three months made.
I think that guy better move his trailer soon :-) At least it is on the strongest looking side.
Oh, sad.
There's an old homestead not far from where I live, abandoned, left to its own devices. I took shots last summer, and already it's looking much worse for wear. Won't be standing much longer. :-(
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