I a request: would you please check to see if you have the embedded comment form on your blog...I have real problems with that because cannot comment without allowing 3rd party cookies and due to some problems I do not like to turn them on. Besides, I have been seeing a lot of people having trouble with them the past few days and it is not even related to the cookie thing.
To change from the embedded form:
Go to your dashboard
Click Settings
Click on Comments
and preferably Click the Pop-up one...
It is so convenient when I have not been able to blog. and there are a lot of posts I have missed. But even if you want the full page one, I can still comment with no problems. I for one would really appreciate this...and know a lot of people feel the same way.

Right at this present time I have no idea where these were taken...I would have to look back at the originals and see the other photos that were taken at the time these were taken to even have any idea.

I think they were drive-bys but not even certain of that...
Anyway, I am linking to Tricia's Barn Charm Meme...hope to see you there.
I love these barns - they are so big! I am using the pop-up and have been asking others to do the same. Hope you have a great week.
I love the bottom one...I swear I just saw one similar to that on our way to South Dakota.
i'm TOTALLY with you on the pop-up comment box! it really, really makes a difference! thanks for spreading the plea!
i LOVE the first shot. just a beautiful barn!!!
What gorgeous barns. Of course, I'm always a fan of the white ones for some reason. They're my fav.
I am entranced by timeless barn beauties. Yours are gorgeous. I will have to post more of mine soon.
Have a beautiful week ~
Both barns had it's own distinctive beauty. And it looks like it's still in use. Great find!
Barn Charm
I really like the first one.
Love that red door to the side.
I've been having leaving comments on some blogs. I have to sign out of blogger to comment. Been going on for over a month now.
I know what it's like to not remember where you've taken photos. :))
Both barns have tons of charm but U really like the first one.
These are lovely! An old barn, then a similar one but newer!! The embedded comments have been causing all kinds of trouble for almost everyone!
These are both nice barns! I really like the roof line and cupolas on the top one.
Where and how they were taken are incidental because they are both fabulous captures. Love the old wood of the first one. There is something about the aging wood of unpainted barns which really appeals to me.The second one reminds me of some of the barns I saw while traveling the United Kingdom. It is lovely, too. Genie
Rose...I went back to the “climbingthedigitalmountain” and “buttonsforbaga” and changed them both. Give it a try now and let me know if it worked. Genie
I LOVE the shape(s) of these barns! I think my favorite is the grayish-colored one.
Beautiful! thanks for the tip on the comments - I saw this very same message from someone else yesterday so I changed my format.
Both Barns are very charming...love the cupalos. The red door on the 1st one really catches your eye!
Looks like the 1st one has a full 1st floor foundation & I've been seeing several of those on Barn Charm lately... I'm wondering why they were built like that - maybe because of deep snow in the winter?
Thanks so much, Rose! =)
These are grand looking barns. I like the smooth curve of the top barn's roof. That and the elaborate double sliding doors for access to the hay mow. The bottom one is enhanced with the silos and other out buildings.
It looks to be in tip-top shape and very well maintained. Fine barn images.
These are both lovely barns! They both have nice shapes, but I especially like the cupolas.
Lovely barns. I discovered several issues with the embedded comments about a month ago and changed. Someone mentioned to un-click the "keep me signed in" box when signing into blogger. That helped me to be able to comment on some of the blogs I was having trouble with.
Amen! I still can't comment on several blogs that I want to. Will try that last suggestion of unchecking the "keep me signed in" box. Great barns!
Those are both great barns, but the first one really calls to me.
See mine at my blog...
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