We decided to do a quick drive through the strip pits tonight...the first thing we saw was a ring-necked pheasant. Not this one. The first one flew off and landed in weeds, etc. that were tall enough for him to hide in.

I would have liked to get closer but could not unless I wanted to be wet up to my ankles...plus it is posted with keep out signs every where you look. So from the roadside is about the only way I ever take a photo out there. I just really feel like I have to respect people's rights...
Isn't he gorgeous, Rose???? Glad you saw him. You got some great pictures.
Beautiful Rose!
Wow..wonderful! I've never seen a pheasant. I wonder if they live at the stripper pits where we go?
Great pictures of the ring-necked pheasant. It is a pretty bird, so colorful.
Excellent photos of a beautiful bird. Takes me back to my childhood when a neighbor of ours (a dentist who hunted pheasant) would give me feathers from the birds the shot. I did love those colorful feathers, although I'm not sure my mother did!
He certainly is a handsome fellow!
Lovely colors!
These are beautiful pictures of the pheasant. Well done!
Those are beautiful shots!!
You certainly were at the right place at the right time!! Great shots! ~karen
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