I think Mike and Frank of American Pickers would love all these signs and gas pumps...the only thing they would not like is that it is not for sale.

Believe it or not, I could find this place again! And I want to go back...Roger saw something I didn't see--their mailbox was in a gas pump. So one of these days I want to go back to see that and get a picture if I can. It is on a well traveled road with no place to pull off...so hoping I can be by there when the traffic is light.
Interesting old place, Rose... I would go back if I were you.. There's probably LOTS more to see there.
I've seen them go through messes of junk to find something worthwhile. :)
I'm almost wondering if Mike and Frank would find that a lot of what's on the porch and building are reproductions. Everything there looks in too mint condition.
I clicked to enlarge but still couldn't be sure. Some of the signs on the barn do look old..
Interesting. First thing that I thought was that it looks like a NASCAR car with all the decals etc. :)
Interesting place. I hope that you can stop to take some more pictures. There is so much in those pictures, I'm sure you'll find more things to take pictures of!
A fascinating place with all the signs from the past. They managed to make the arrangement on the building look organized rather than chaotic. Nice one.
These are great pictures of a very interesting place. I hope you do get back there to get some more pictures that you can share.
Be sure to go back...we want to see it, too! Great place.
What a cute place! A nice way to use and display vintage pieces.
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